My classmate sent to college

My classmate sent to college

image text translation

(1)From a short man’s point of view, Q
(2)Exciting scene
(5) yunkim10858 days revised
(6)When I was in high school, there was a great school in my class
(7)He didn’t study, he fought a lot, and he opened up on kids
(8)These days, when I go around alone and don’t talk, it’s “Yay!”
(9)She’s always a bully in every class
(10)They’re bragging about being good at fighting
(11)I used to go and fight
(12)Ordinary kids like me didn’t hit or bully, but they didn’t always have money
(13)I only opened 1,000 won to one person a day
(14)I was asking you to lend it to me, but I didn’t think about receiving it
(15)At that time, the number of students was close to 60 per class
(16)It was once every two to three months at the most
(17)I borrowed it from other classmates
(18)If I say I don’t have anything, I just said I knew
(19)And the kids at our school told the kids at other schools
(20)I don’t care if I get hit or pout
(21)I used to go and fight and lose him
(22)I’ve been in the same class since I was a freshman in high school, but in my younger eyes, I felt like a scary brother rather than a classmate
(23)I didn’t really talk to her until I passed 12th grade, so I didn’t know about family and family relationships
(24)I just started my freshman year in the country and went to Seoul
(25)To study abroad, I’m going to school in my uncle’s house in Seoul
(26)I heard it from someone else and knew it
(27)Then, I became a senior in high school, and on a spring day, I had a lot of body aches. After the 5th period
(28)I told my teacher that I left early
(29)I was walking home at the bus stop
(30)Why did the lady grab me and mumble
(31)And then I put out a piece of paper at my school
(32)Name and address were written on it
(33)When I saw this lady’s mumbling and her actions
(34)I knew he couldn’t talk
(35)When I went to the countryside since I was young, I stopped by my aunt’s house
(36)My aunt’s son, who was older than me, couldn’t talk
(37)But when we meet, we always have fun together
(38)He’s been good to me, so we’ve been good to each other
(39)Because of him, I thought this lady couldn’t talk
(40)I knew it was Boon at once
(41)Looking at the paper with the name and address of our school
(42)I know you’re on your way to school
(43)At first, I explained the way
(44)He nodded that he got it
(45)I had to walk from here to school for more than 10 minutes
(46)I have to go to the alley in the middle, so I’ll go find it
(47)I thought it would be hard, so I’ll guide you
(48)I’m telling you to follow me
(49)Thank you. You held my hand and looked up again and again
(50)You bowed low
(51)She had two big bags
(52)I’ll hold one for you and carry it with me
(53)He went to school
(54)When I got to school
(55)”You can go to Ma’am’s ID.”
(56)Do you have a teacher or someone? “I’ll find you”
(57)She took some paper out of her pocket
(58)One is a letter envelope to the teacher
(59)That’s what it says
(60)The rest of the three pages were made by cutting out the calendar
(61)There were different colored ballpans on it
(62)The first red letter that you showed me earlier
(63)My school’s name was Juju
(64)The second blue letter is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul
(65)That’s the address of the house
(66)The third black letter is
(67)It says “3rd grade 9th class XXX”
(68)3rd grade 9th class was our class and xxx was the best
(69)For a moment, I realized that this lady didn’t know how to write
(70)I realized something about Xxx
(71)Ma’am! Oh my gosh! We’re in the same class
(72)”I’m in the 3rd grade and 9th grade”
(73)when I said
(74)They patted my hand and were really happy to see me
(75)At the beginning of the semester, when we were interviewing parents due to career paths, etc
(76)That’s why my mother came here last week
(77)I could guess that you were here
(78)I’m here to see my mother
(79)Can I go to the teacher’s room where my homeroom teacher is
(80)When I said that, if you’re so happy, you nod your head
(81)So I took the lady to the teacher’s office
(82)I introduced you to my homeroom teacher
(83)The homeroom teacher was embarrassed at first, but he quickly judged the situation
(84)I thought you did
(85)And the lady said, “Oh, to the teacher”
(86)It’s written in fine handwriting, and I took out the envelope
(87)I gave it to the teacher
(88)I read a little bit of the teacher, and he looked at me and said
(89)I told him to come to the agency
(90)I was in the 7th period
(91)I’ll go to the teaching room and tell you what the teacher said
(92)He’s gone to the vicar’s school
(93)When I said your mother is here, she’s a lot
(94)I was surprised and worried
(95)I was going to the teacher’s office, and suddenly I saw him wearing a shirt
(96)There was blood on it
(97)I had a fight with a bad classmate earlier, but I overheard him
(98)I had a little nosebleed. The clothes on my school shirt
(99)We’ve never talked to each other before
(101)Hey, blood on your clothes!If you see that, your mom will be worried
(102)Give it to me
(103)When I said that, I was like, “What are you doing? Hurry up, open your eyes wide and take off your clothes.”
(104)a crab
(105)I shouted Lager
(106)Then, we took off her clothes and changed our seats
(107)I went to the teacher’s office
(108)He went to the teacher and actually stood in front of the teacher’s room and watched
(109)As soon as she saw him, she hugged him
(110)For a long time, with Su-hwa… Oh my gosh
(111)You put your hands on it
(112)I’m signing according to my girlfriend’s sign language
(113)I was really surprised when I saw it
(114)The sign language that I used to know, the whole thing
(115)It was so touching and weird
(116)Arrigor brought you to the big bag
(117)They prepared food for you to eat
(118)You’re so small and heavy
(119)You were carrying two bags
(120)I watched them like that for a second and went home
(121)It was a bit strange on the way
(122)I’m sure you’ve been thinking about it
(123)When I went to school, he called me the next day
(124)”Hey, thank you for yesterday. I’m so thankful. I’ve seen you, but my mom doesn’t know what to say.””I was so thankful that you were able to come to school thanks to me when you spent a few hours alone in Seoul.”
(128)He took out a 10,000 won card and gave it to me
(129)”My rae-ma makes me something delicious and I have to go down to the countryside today, so I usually buy something delicious.”
(130)You wanted to thank me
(131)”He did this”
(132)If you look at the way you pay and money, you seem to know a house that you can afford, so it was really hard to take it out
(134)”I just didn’t give you anything, but I didn’t give you anything. Come on
(135)”You’re in the mood”
(136)I’ll talk
(137)Thank you for the shirt. I’ll wash it and send it to you tomorrow. Then, if you need anything, I’ll do it if I can
(139)I said that
(140)Now that I think about it, I know why I said that
(141)There’s no random number
(142)”What you want to do”
(143)Then let’s go to college together
(144)He was surprised. What were you talking about? He laughed because he was crazy
(145)If I study for a year, let’s go to college and play together
(146)I said it
(147)I don’t know why you said that now, but I think I wanted to make friends with him the day before and that day
(148)Since then, he’s been studying hard. He’s been studying hard. He’s been studying hard
(150)I think we became very close during my senior year in high school while attending a private academy in Nigoul Station
(152)I don’t have any, but I feel sorry for college even if I stay home So I was able to enjoy studying a little bit because I was with Seok, who said that it was a situation provided by the siteMy hobby is studying
(153)Year of the Year
(154)hundred million
(156)Both of them had bad grades on the CSAT, so they took the exam together again
(157)In the summer, I went to his hometown in Gogol for about a month to travel and relax, and I went to the mountains, played in the stream, studied, and so on
(158)farm work
(159)fishing and attempting
(160)You’ve been close to your school for 25 years
(161)Since then, Eoseok’s mother has been grateful to me with flesh, and she was nice to be warm and nice to me, and she was a god. So I used to go to her hometown oftenThanks to me, I went to college and joked about it, and Jin-ah was always there
(162)a mountain high
(163)Young Sangbo on the cat
(164)I’m not sure if someone will read this, but I’m sorry
(165)You read it
(166)Please read it and pray that Ahn Kang will be as healthy and cool as he was the next dayOne thing I want is my friend in the hospital
(169)I’m a really good person who helps a lot of people in need and does a lot of good things
(170)Please show us your love
(171)3.31 million
(172) choijiyuu 8
(173)I hope you two stay healthy and UJUNG forever
(174)323 thousand


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