What a load of rubbish, you horse-riding pups

What a load of rubbish, you horse-riding pups

image text translation

(1)Reporting by Cho Joong-dong
(2)regret for being political
(3)During the Moon Jae Inn government, the presidential office staff
(4)Something I regret now
(5)President 500 p.m

What a load of rubbish, you horse-riding pups

image text translation

(1)Reporting by Cho Joong-dong
(2)regret for being political
(3)I saw Cho Joong-dong
(4)what was political
(5)Mr. Nice President 500 p.m

In the cold winter, people took to the streets to protest and impeach chicken, and people like me entered the Blue House

It’s like a C8 remodeling

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