Busan Tells My Friend

Busan Tells My Friend

image text translation

(2)A Roh Moo Hyun speaking at an apartment in Busan
(3)a quarrelsome Roh Moo Hyun
(4)#The Sixth Republic
(5)It’s so sad to see this
(6)1107 AM
(7)The soldiers of Busan pull out the national treasure even when their children die
(8)Even if you sell your country, it’s a place to make soup
(9)Busan has to kill itself before it gets its act together
(10)If you leave me alone, I’ll ruin my country
(11)1109 AM
(12)a bunch of bullies
(13)1110 a.m
(14)Park Geun Hye You’ve got your national treasure in the face of impeachment
(15)Park Geun Hye Yoon Suk Yeol sent me to prison
(16)You’re a bunch of assaulters
(17)1111 a.m
(18)I’m going to take another swipe at the general election. 60 pyeong
(19)I’m going to bet on the apartment
(20)1114 a.m


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