Padripchin Deputy Chief Review

Padripchin Deputy Chief Review

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(1)The son of a company deputy director has a pad lip
(2)Since I don’t have a driver’s license and a car, I usually take a bus to and from work
(3)I drank last night, so I slept at my parents’ house, and my father drove me this morning
(4)I came 15 minutes earlier than usual, so the team leader came earlier today
(5)So, yes, my father gave me a ride That’s why
(6)The deputy manager who doesn’t get along with me
(7)Your father must have nothing to do. He’s telling me this
(8)Wouldn’t there be no more parents who have a nursing home to do
(9)That’s why I’m so smart
(10)I was going to hit him and the team leader stopped me, so I came out to work
(11)I still can’t get rid of my anger
(12)I’m thinking about using half a car
(13)(14)543 comments
(15)35 minutes ago
(16)But I think you won
(17)How bad are you going to fight with your pad lips right away
(18)29 minutes to go
(19)If you play Efem Korea’s Manggom and Real Key, you’ll definitely lose. LOL
(20)27 minutes ago
(21)Wow, this is my first face-to-face conversation at work. It’s dizzying to see my company life

Padripchin Deputy Chief Review

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(1)The team leader asked me to have a drink with two team members
(2)Four of us have a drink and talk
(3)The team leader reported it to the director
(4)It will be moved to another site in the area due to personnel transfer around next week
(5)Fortunately, after moving to the deputy director, an employee at the deputy department is coming
(6)Right before I came here, I told the staff
(7)He did what he was doing to me, and it boiled. He went from team leader to deputy general manager
(8)I was demoted, but the director said he couldn’t change his habits
(9)I asked if there was any penalty for me and he said there wouldn’t be much
(10)But don’t you have to write a report
(11)He just said that he only reported the deputy’s curse words
(12)I’m glad or something
(13)Anyway, I had a drink and wrote a review in the bathroom

Padripchin Deputy Chief Review

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(1)Our company is not such a case-free company
(2)If it’s “jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
(3)There are about 120 employees, so there will be a lot of people in other regions
(4)Our team had a great atmosphere
(5)The atmosphere got worse when the deputy manager came five months ago
(6)He said he’s older than the team leader
(7)It took me a month to clean up the poop because I had all the on-site processes done
(8)If it goes well, it’s self-serving. If it doesn’t go well, it’s the staff down there
(9)I used to use foul language in my daily life. I used to use pad lips sometimes
(10)I’m not sober this morning, so I just put it on
(11)I heard you beat an employee at the scene, but I don’t know about this either
(12)Anyway, it’s going to be this bad
(13)And everyone who thinks it’s a masterpiece understands
(14)I don’t believe everything when I read stories on the internet
(15)Thank you for worrying about me and swearing at me
(16)Enjoy your dinner

Padripchin Deputy Chief Review

image text translation

(1)Woolari 2024-01-150759 2181
(2)I really hate violence, but people who complain about the other’s parents have to get hit in the end to break the habit. It’s not like a pad lip, but my boss was in his 40s where I used to work, and when I told a male employee in his 20s that your parents would have brought you up with a hard time, and your mother would be very wary of you. You’re non-maritalism. Is it because your parents showed a lot of bad looks? Then you get hit hard by personal affairs. The employee in his 20s didn’t look very good the day he got hit because he didn’t know what to do. I don’t think I should touch him when he comes to work because he smells like alcohol, but he hasn’t done that since then. I’m moving 14
(3)Recommendation reply
(4)LD and John Nacker 2024-01-15 124827
(5)If I get hit, will I get it fixed
(6)LD Euro Truck 2024-01-15 132313
(7)Information Woolari has been kicking and beating on the steps of his military appointment, and he has written down and captured stories of his senior fans on DC as if they were talking to others when he was on guard duty
(8)In my experience, there are a lot of people like that who are from real backgrounds
(9)You can’t go out if you’re strong. Move 1


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