Resurrecting the Scorching Toss Recommendation Resignation System

Resurrecting the Scorching Toss Recommendation Resignation System

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(1)Topic > Turnover/Career
(2)The entire Toss affiliate recommendation resignation system has been in two years
(3)Viva Republica · 1
(4)Once TRP is received, if it does not improve through procedures, it may be a simple lack of competency and communication problems
(5)If you get consent from three people, the recommended resignation program will start
(6)It’s different from the disciplinary committee. Even if there’s no clear reason for disciplinary action
(7)Appraisers can resign as a recommendation at the discretion of the contractors
(8)Everyone, watch out!

Resurrecting the Scorching Toss Recommendation Resignation System

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(1)Application for leave of absence and consent form
(2)one’s department
(3)I understand all of the following and apply and agree freely
(4)I am willing to resign on the date of my resignation
(5)submitted to the management company
(6)2 You will voluntarily do so
(7)I’m applying for a job
(8)paid leave of absence
(9)unpaid leave
(10)3 I agree that during the paid leave period under paragraph (2), I receive only monthly salary calculated according to the total amount of annual salary in the annual salary contract and will not receive any financial compensation or benefits from the company
(11)Examples of monetary compensation: performance-based talent recommendation fee, communication fee, physical fitness fee, birthday celebration fee, holiday support fee, transportation fee, etc
(12)Examples of benefits, such as in-house loan group insurance, etc
(13)4 I acknowledge that I will not disclose or publish to third parties the details of this application and the details of the conclusion of the consent form and the communication with the company regarding the nature of my rest
(14)5 I agree that I will not make any administrative or civil or criminal objections to the company, its executives and agents, and other interested persons, including, but not limited to, civil or criminal complaints made by the Ministry of Labor, the true financial supervisor
(15)Jubi Baribari Publika Priceless

I heard that most IT companies don’t pay a lot of money, but they make such big plans

I know some of the people who went in

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