image text translation
(1)The 18th English and Kwangsoo who seemed to be so compatible at first
(2)Every Wednesday at 10:30 p.m
(3)When it comes to long-distance relationships
(4)What do you think
(5)I’m 20
(6)10:30M every Wednesday night
(7)But I can’t do long distances
(8)I don’t think I can do it because I’m tired
(9)Every Wednesday at 10:30 p.m
(10)But just in time
(11)Gwangju living in the same Seoul. Ta-da! ★
(12)Youngja born in 1988 and Kwangsoo born in 1987
(13)Until the age difference that I wanted
(14)● If I were to go with Kwangsoo
(15)I can do it if I get married
(16)I think that’ll be possible.
(17)Wednesday at 10:30 p.m
(18)Even when I’m older, when I’m with someone like this
(19)It’s going to be so comfortable
(20)the original release
(21)When others see it
(22)I heard that it could be established
(23)an original broadcast
(24)When I was in a relationship
(25)He’s someone who can make a point
(27)But Kwang-soo is rushing on 11 dates
(28)1 o’clock in the morning
(29)In Yeongdeok
(30)I hope it goes on like this
(31)Fisheries JAESOS
(32)Let’s just
(33)We can start now
(34)I’m going to raise my head like this
(35)I want to put her in a girl’s house
(36)Yes, it’s heavy. It’s done. x2
(37)It’s really heavy
(38)Every Wednesday at 10:30 PM
(39)I want to hear it
(40)Then, Gwang-su became burdensome and scared
(41)an original broadcast
(42)It’s too heavy and scary
(44)And even that quiet tone
(45)It was so scary
(46)Kwangsoo, who keeps going straight
(47)Are you there?
(49)I’m wearing makeup right now
(50)a hat that covers one’s face and enters one’s face
(51)I’m exaggerating right now
(52)My face is like this
(53)No, my face
(54)I thought it would be aired
(55)It’s a fatigue recovery medicine
(56)Make sure to take pills
(57)an English speaker who says it’s burdensome
(58)I’m a bit scared of Na Kwang Soo right now
(59)It’s a bit burdensome
(60)The important thing is that the heart that doesn’t break
(61)I’m going to keep it until the end