It’s a legendary episode of “Inbang Girls’ Cam”

It's a legendary episode of "Inbang Girls' Cam"

image text translation

(1)A foot-and-mouth disease sponsored 1,000 won!
(2)I’m a love student who likes Jinarim as a fan I’m just saying this because I’m worried, but please don’t look at me as reason I just want to remain in the relationship between fans and streamers
(3)The foot-and-mouth disease sponsored 1,000 won!
(4)It looks like green light. I confess I know it well because I’m a master of love studies
(5)Greenlight. If you don’t confess, you’re stupid. Ps. Master of love. Foot-and-mouth disease
(6)The foot-and-mouth disease sponsored 1,000 won!There’s a saying that there’s no wrong word If a man has a knife, he should cut a radish This is a confession. Follow the wisdom of your ancestors
(7)I know it well because I’m a master of romantic studies, but there’s a very simple solution Let’s confess to our girlfriend’s male friend. This is green light
(8)I speak as a master of love studies You don’t even need to listen to this. It’s like a confession. If you don’t, you’re really stupid
(9)The foot-and-mouth disease sponsored 1,000 won!There are a lot of confessionals here. Confession is not a challenge, but a process of confirmation. There are a lot of trainees who show that they haven’t been in a relationship. But this is like a confession I have a feeling as a master
(10)There will be a National Foundation Day rally on October 3rd
(11)I don’t want to participate in this rally. This is the perfect justification
(12)Pinespring1225 = PPTPTPTTT
(13)The foot-and-mouth disease paid 1,000 won!
(14)10 times. There’s no tree that can’t fall
(15)You know, I got sued three times
(16)I almost did it, but if I don’t think I can do it, po
(17)It’s also a good way to do it. Love studies
(18)a master’s degree
(19)I can’t believe I’m choking
(20)I can correct my voice training with this
(21)A foot-and-mouth disease sponsored 1!000 won
(22)As a love student who likes Jinarim as a fan
(23)I mean, I’m just saying that I’m a cutie
(24)Please don’t look at it It’s just a fan and streamer’s coffin
(25)I want to stay with you
(27)I’m sorry. I crossed the line. I’ll be careful
(28)This is the last donation

It's a legendary episode of "Inbang Girls' Cam"

image text translation

(1)Fertilized 50 minutes before foot-and-mouth disease
(2)Now that I’ve been dealing with some recent streamers
(3)I am curious about the people who enjoy the guest room
(4)So I’m going to shoot a starry sky myself, and I’m going to shoot Donne, too
(5)I want to sympathize with the people who enjoy the show
(6)Strangely, Twitch girls only see my nickname
(7)I want you to feed me black
(8)I feel really bad eating black with my own money
(9)Are you saying that it’s Gutwitch’s sensibility to just look at the job and just feed it black without a back-and-forth
(10) Jinjalim Jinjalim Ujunging
(11)There’s no such thing as a genius in a job
(12)I’m an issue YouTuber, so I don’t measure my back and forth
(13)I was a bit sad to see him block it
(14)There are a lot of Ps and KoreaLet’s think about it in a very common sense
(15)I wanted to see a play, so I paid for the ticket and went to the theater
(16)You’d feel good if you kicked him out after seeing his job
(17)I don’t care if you ask me or if I’m going to feed you black
(18)Of course. That’s the Twitch sentiment
(19)It’s natural for consumers to feel bad
(20)I don’t think it’s a problem to make complaints about this
(21)Is it work
(22)a brief view


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