image text translation
(1)I’m going to use my car
(2)At the company
(3)Do you need it
(4)I went to the convenience store
(5)I had to go out, so tomorrow wouldn’t go away
(6)Team leader requested an interview
(7)In the afternoon, December 28, 6022022
(1)So don’t write it up and send it in one go!! Move 10image text translation
(2)Recommendation reply
(3)Angelia 2024-01-10 114038
(4)It’s frustrating as a person who really receives a word, but if you send it like that, I don’t review whether the content I want to send is correct before sending it, and I wonder how social life will be
(5)Cosmos Yass 2024-01-1015870
(6)Why isn’t it sent
(7)! Oh, teacher
(8)it is not that
(1)Edelua 2024-01-10110131image text translation
(2)I don’t understand how long it’s not
(3)He thinks I’m getting a call