Gender norms in Japanese wills that kill themselves due to private loans

Gender norms in Japanese wills that kill themselves due to private loans

image text translation

(2)First Saracocking Panic
(3)Sbs News
(4)the legal maximum interest rate before the enactment of the Payment Business Act of 1983
(5)1095 a year
(6)I made a lot of profit
(7)The society is devastated by private loans
(8)1 Suicide Rate Surges
(9)Of those who failed to pay their debts, 25 committed suicide
(10)Life insurance is the reason this suicide has increased
(11)When loan sharks lend money
(12)group insurance
(13)If a borrower gets into an accident or dies
(14)The debt that this person owed can be received by a private lender from an insurance company
(15)I make a device like this
(16)When loan sharks pay for insurance
(17)When you borrow money, you make him sign up
(18)2 Destruction of a home
(19)In other words, my father is running away, my mother is running away
(20)I want to know where SBS is coming from
(21)Sbs News
(22)These things get a lot of coverage
(23)Source SBS. That’s what it’s about
(24)Refer to the top page
(25)But even at this time, Japan’s unique gender norms
(26)a top reference
(27)It’s very important
(28)What’s wrong? For example
(29)My mom couldn’t pay me back and went into hiding
(30)What those people’s letters say is
(31)I’m no longer qualified as a mother and a wife
(32)It almost ends with this cliché What’s wrong with that
(33)As a mother and wife, she’s frugal with her family
(34)I had to take care of myself so that I didn’t get a puncture
(35)That normality comes from that kind of handwriting
(36)I couldn’t do all the roles
(37)ㅅㅂ Dataization Cooperative News
(38)If he’s a husband, he writes a will
(39)Source SBS. That’s what it’s about
(40)I’m about to take responsibility as a man
(41)That’s how you kill yourself
(42)What the family members who are left behind say is
(43)For example, my next-door husband has a private loan
(44)If you kill yourself, get life insurance and pay it back
(45)The people in this neighborhood… Oh, her husband
(46)He’s a great man
(47)He’s done his part
(48)Gender norms are
(49)It’s not just internalized to the person involved
(50)It was a social discipline
(51)You can tell from here


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