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Only those who really want to lose weight read this


Only those who really want to lose weight read this

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(1)● Only one of you who really wants to lose weight can read this
(2)Viewers 18788 Recommendation 98 Comments 298
(3)He is a four-year Hellzim trainer from the Department of Sports and Nutrition
(4)Write down information only from what I know
(5)The writing is messy, but there’s a 3-line summary

Only those who really want to lose weight read this

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(1)Important 3 lines. Summary
(2)Most people only try to exercise when they are on a diet
(3)It’s a question that you can see often
(4)Is it easier to lose weight There’s a question of whether cardio is better off
(5)It’s more like nonsense that you lose more cardio between weight and cardio because it’s the norm that you should do both
(6)If you have to say, you lose more cardio when it comes to burning calories
(7)If you convert it into calories, it’s as different as a simple slice of bread and there can be no significant difference
(8)If you go out and order a frappuccino right away, the calorie consumption of one exercise a day is close to zero. It could be rather
(9)In the first place, humans are endurance animals. It is humans that have evolved to survive for a long time if they are given water even if they starve for a few weeks
(10)Conversely, mammals all belong to this group, with extremely low calorie consumption compared to other animals

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(1)Therefore, to focus on losing weight, diet is everything
(2)it is possible to reach a conclusion that
(3)There’s a clear difference if you don’t exercise and just eat less
(4)Then if you starve, you’ll fall out. Right, if you starve, you’ll fall out
(5)It is not easy for modern people living in the prehistoric and modern times to endure without eating any food
(6)Let’s say we’ve endured that. When fat disappears for a certain period of time, humans are homeostatic
(7)As an action not to change, the consumption of energy sources is suppressed as much as possible, which lowers metabolism, that is, the total amount of metabolism, so even if you eat a little, you store it as fat
(8)If you cut back on eating because you can’t lose weight, you can cut back on your organs again and again. Organs are muscles, so they are a source of energy It melts and dies slowly
(9)Of course, he’ll die of malnutrition before that
(10)To get back to the story
(11)For men, they try to store muscles rather than store fat as an energy source

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(1)For women, they want to store fat rather than muscle as an energy source
(2)It’s because the hormone action is different. The male hormone stores muscle and the female hormone stores fat
(3)If I had to argue about evolution
(4)Prehistoric times existed only millions of years ago It takes at least tens of millions of years for living things to go through an evolutionary process At the same time, if that evolution is not necessary, it will not
(5)When a prehistoric man went hunting, he could not survive due to lack of muscle or strength such as quickness, and the woman endured until she died waiting for the man to hunt
(6)In order for a woman to survive on the verge of death, she needs to control her consumption of fat and save a lot At the same time, there are even periods when it stops working, such as menstruation
(7)The difference between building up body fat is
(8)No matter how obese a man is, it’s hard for him to get over 30-40 body fat
(9)When a woman becomes obese, she goes over 40 degrees and 50 degrees

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(1)In other words, even with the same obesity, it’s much harder for women to lose weight and lose weight
(2)be easy to gain
(3)It is also difficult to control what you eat because of hormones
(4)The brain orders you to eat and save it somehow, and it is a woman’s diet that must be controlled only by reason
(5)In men, there are fewer such orders as a hormonal system, because fat becomes dull in men when it’s too much, so it’s not necessary
(6)I knew it was easier for women to gain weight and it was hard to lose weight, so what should I do
(7)It’s obvious, but I’m doing both weight and cardio
(8)It’s easy to say. I know it’s really hard
(9)I didn’t put a lot of poop on the top if I wrote something that’s obvious
(10)I’d rather put on a lot of weight when you have a lot of fat, so you can gain a lot of muscle and lose mainly to aerobic exercise after your lower body
(11)The most muscular part of the human body is the thigh

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(1)If you use muscle-heavy areas, that’s how much more calories you burn
(2)It is recommended to start with lower body strength exercises and then to do chest exercises instead of reducing what you eat significantly at first
(3)Stretching lower body muscles and starting a combination of diet and aerobic exercise when you feel like you’re on track to some extent
(4)If you cut down on eating, you’ll fall into it in a heartbeat. Of course, but the aftermath is no joke. In women, as I just said, the brain tells them to eatThat’s why I come to yoga
(5)To prevent this, you need to check your metabolism first
(6)I check my weight once a week, check my calories, and slowly reduce it
(7)It’s better to set it on a weekly basis
(8)First, he writes down everything he usually eats in the first week and searches everywhere on the app and saves it
(9)After a week, I check how different my weight is from last week’s weight today. You have to do it when you are hungry at the same time

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(1)The longer this time, the more accurate it will be, but you can do a meaningful check for about a week
(2)If you ate n calories and didn’t gain weight or lose weight, this is your weekly metabolism
(3)It’s sick to say, “Take 200 calories a day off the diet!”
(4)Humans are not machines. They eat differently every day
(5)Rather, I lose one snack I ate in the middle and spend another week. If you haven’t lost weight, you lose one more snack or eat there. I repeat this every week
(6)Of course, I recommend doing lower body exercises Since it is not intended for muscle enlargement, the exercise intensity is repeated until you can do about 30 of the maximum weight you canOnce you set the maximum number of times, be conscious of every set and do it up to that maximum number of times. If your muscle has grown to some extent every two weeks, increase your weight
(7)The recommended events are squats using dumbbells or squats. If possible, V squats are good. Leg extension leg curls
(8)You don’t have to take a lot of sets from the beginning Just do it until you can. You don’t have to be conscious, but it’s better to increase the number of sets

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(1)If you lose a lot of weight after repeating it, and you don’t have a problem walking, you run fast
(2)Instead, I recommend you to walk fast For intensity, 70 to 80 of the maximum heart rate is recommended when walking for 5 minutes
(3)If you get your hand to the treadmill, there are a lot of machines that check your heart rate, and most of them are like that, so 140-160 is enough
(4)The important thing is, I don’t want to go straight to the treadmill from the beginning If there is a lot of fat, the bone is loaded, so if you are injured or unlucky, it can lead to injuries such as fracture ligament damage
(5)To lose 1 weight, you have to do both weight and aerobic diet
(6)2 Women are more difficult to lose weight than men because their brain tells them to eat because of hormonal action
(7)3 You should check the calories for a week and reduce them slowly. If you reduce them at once, you will suffer from yo-yo. Starting with lower body exercises, after losing some weight, you can do it with aerobic exercise
(8)Source View Obesity Gallery Original


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