Make sure to exercise when you’re young It gets really strong

Make sure to exercise when you're young It gets really strong

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(1)Announcement FAQ
(2)Living Food and Cooking Life Community Shopping
(3)Free bulletin board, questions, zoom in, zoom out
(4)Free bulletin board. What I read a lot recently
(5)My neck. Make sure to exercise when my children are young
(6)I get stronger. Experience
(7)The number of kendo beginner views 16499 that you want to stick to
(8)Date of writing 2012-05-25 171515
(9)It’s just my story
(10)When I was young, I was the only child who studied all the time
(11)She’s an uncommon only child, so she invested a lot at home
(12)I studied and played musical instruments

Make sure to exercise when you're young It gets really strong

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(1)You looked forward to it a lot. I was greedy, so when I was young
(2)I’ve been thinking a lot since then
(3)Why is life so hard
(4)I wondered why there were so many things to do
(5)When the kids were playing with rubber bands and playing with the ground
(6)I would have said everything if I had studied until midnight Do elementary school students study like that these days? I don’t know well
(7)But my parents didn’t think it was a good idea to use their bodies because they were old people
(8)He didn’t let me work out at all
(9)I was already a bit out of shape, but I didn’t develop my muscles at all
(10)My mom always said, “You’re not athletic.”
(11)My mom learned how to drive, but she wasn’t good at itThe girls in my house don’t have athletic abilities

Make sure to exercise when you're young It gets really strong

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(1)But those negative words last a lifetime
(2)I learned how to drive, but I kept remembering that
(3)If you don’t have athletic abilities, you should have worked out more and developed it, but you didn’t do that
(4)But I don’t blame you I guess they don’t know
(5)I only read books at home, so there were few books where I read all the classics
(6)I went to the humanities department
(7)But what I’ve always felt is that I’m not completely healthy mentally
(8)Because I think a lot, negative thoughts often dominate me, and pessimism doesn’t work out
(9)I need to cleanse my mind with my body while exercising, but why aren’t you doing that

Make sure to exercise when you're young It gets really strong

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(1)The introduction was long^^;;
(2)I started kendo last year
(3)I can’t do it. I’m not good at it
(4)I’m in the first grade, but if I’m in the first grade, I’m in the first grade
(5)I’m thinking that I can do it
(6)But the more I do it, the more I realize myself

Make sure to exercise when you're young It gets really strong

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(1)in the process of preparing for the war
(2)I didn’t know I was this scaredy-cat
(3)And if you go in to attack and stop because you’re scared
(4)I get hit a lot because I’m completely in the other person’s hands
(5)If you’re going to attack, you’ll have to crush them, or you’ll have to get out of here and run away
(6)If I’m going to get angry, I think I’ll see the end, or I’ll stop fighting at all
(7)And then you continue to analyze yourself in a cool way
(8)I’m trying to correct it so that I don’t make mistakes
(9)Then, your body and mind will feel stronger than before

Make sure to exercise when you're young It gets really strong

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(1)A lot of elementary school students come to the school
(2)I’m so jealous
(3)I wish I could have practiced like this since I was young
(4)I naturally learn how to bump into each other, accept the game, and see each other
(5)That’s the difference between a kid who’s trained and a kid who’s just grown his head like me
(6)What I always felt in society
(7)I felt that I was weak in mental strength. More than any other inferiority complex, I felt defeated
(8)Of course, there are people who all know this
(9)The important thing is that I’m an only child and I’ve never been with my brothers
(10)My anger was very late
(11)It was a case where the number of cases of collision was very insufficient

Make sure to exercise when you're young It gets really strong

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(1)If you think about it, there are a lot of only children these days, so socializing like me
(2)I think there are a lot of kids who don’t do well at home
(3)I’m going to post this article
(4)I tried swimming, yoga, and ballet
(5)First of all, if you’re scared and not athletic like me, please send me some martial arts exercises
(6)Taekwondo hapkido and kendo^^
(7)It was the testimony of a living witness who felt that a healthy body was in a healthy mind
(8)I’m sorry if it was a story that I had to write in my diary^^ Thank you for reading it


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