Why Britain and Denmark are still suffering from the 1965 Continental Shelf Agreement

Why Britain and Denmark are still suffering from the 1965 Continental Shelf Agreement

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Why Britain and Denmark are still suffering from the 1965 Continental Shelf Agreement

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Why Britain and Denmark are still suffering from the 1965 Continental Shelf Agreement

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(1)Distribution chart of the North Sea oil field in the United Kingdom

The continental shelf agreement was signed by Norway, Britain and Denmark over the fish and cod dispute

drawing a boundary

Since then, the oil field has been hit only on the Norwegian continental shelf

Norway, a poor country that only ate potatoes at the time, was in a hurry

World’s 2nd largest gdp country

Still, in Britain and Denmark, the agreement officers at the time were vilified

And these days Scotland is trying to become independent of the Commonwealth of England

The reason is that a little bit of oil off the coast of Scotland is starting to come out

He called for a referendum to be independent of the Commonwealth because he would eat alone

But the U.K. is in a state of disarray due to Brexit

We’re losing oil fields, and we’re scared of federal dismantling

I’m trying not to make him stand on his own

Denmark just eats twice as much as anything

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