image text translation
(1)65 years old = 10 chance of dementia
(2)75 years old = 25 chance of dementia
(3)Eighty-five years old has a 50 chance of getting dementia
(4)You get Alzheimer’s disease
(5)It’s a scary reality
(6)at a cost of more than two billion dollars
(7)I’m working on a drug for dementia
(8)He’s only experiencing major failures
(9)Not yet. Nothing
(10)But scientists at Brown University
(11)We found a problem with insulin resistance in the brain
(12)Your brain seemed to be diabetic
(13)So, Alzheimer’s dementia
(14)to grow up with type 3 diabetes
(15)There are many causes of dementia
(16)But the best of them is metabolic health
(17)It’s related to that
(18)a common term
(19)It’s called Hyun
(20)Too much sugar. Too much
(21)Insulin secretion cost recognition
(22)And this is dementia and Alzheimer’s
(23)the main source of a disease
(24)Even though Alzheimer’s doesn’t have symptoms
(25)It’s been around for 30 to 40 years
(26)It’s not good for Sowon and Lee Sik
(27)It’s mostly sugar starch and carbohydrates
(28)call diabetic dementia in the brain