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(1)news desk
(2)The one who threw the Kim Koo bomb…a series of tales of ruling party figures
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(1)I’m here to help you
(2)The story of Kim Koo’s bomb throw and the ruling party’s greetings
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(1)Past remarks made by MBC News Desk
(2)”The colony of the Joseon Dynasty”
(3)The first leader of a country that just left
(4)”Isn’t this a good job?”
(5)Member for the Power of the People
(6)Last 2021
(7)Writing comments
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(1)controversial past remarks
(2)”The one who threw the bomb was the international situation.”
(3)”Do you know the system that goes back to the country?”
(4)After Yeo Woon hyung’s assassination
(5)”Have you heard that it’s related to Kim Gu?”
(6)Member for the Power of the People
(7)Last 2021
(8)Writing comments
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(1)New Year, January, Wednesday, 12th
(2)controversial past remarks
(3)Yoon Joo-kyung, member of the People’s Power Party
(4)”I can’t believe he threw a bomb because he didn’t know the international situation”
(5)In order to clearly inform the existence of Joseon’s call for awakening
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(1)controversial past remarks
(2)Park Eun-sik’s controversial remarks on SNS
(3)”If you lose a war, you will be sexually assaulted.”
(4)”The main decision maker of marriage and childbirth is men.”
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(1)controversial past remarks
(2)The mouth and the English soul
(3)Lawyer Park Sang-soo, Han Dong-hoon’s No. 1 recruitment of talent, is also rumored
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(1)Professor Sunwoo of Language Logic
(2)controversial past remarks
(3)I visit your house every month
(4)PSAT Envelope Simulation Exam Source Eduwill Home Page
(5)Professor Cha Eunwoo
(6)written by Cha Eun-woo himself
(7)Basic Book of PSAT Language Logic Type Analysis
(8)Learning QA
(9)Pass trainer Shin Jung-ho’s song by Cha Byeon
(10)A lecture under the name of a law school entrance exam while working for a large company
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(1)controversial past remarks
(2)District of South Korea
(3)Park Sung-joon, a spokesman for the Democratic Party of Korea
(4)Han Dong-hoon’s emergency committee, which is filled with habitual talkers and detractors, and the recruited talent are miserable Is the language of 50 million that Chairman Han Dong-hoon spoke of hate and hate