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a man who never lost after fighting 1400


a man who never lost after fighting 1400

image text translation

(1)The Legend of Double Pistol
(2)The motif of the movie Assassination Hawaii Pistol
(3)On the side of Daehangno Maroniel Park, the main character of the statue, which is being forgotten without anyone looking for an old statue
(4)This is Kim Sang-wook, a legend of the double pistol who infiltrated the Jongno Police Station by blood
(5)During the Japanese occupation, he was living a stable life by running a hardware store
(6)But the girl who didn’t lose her baby fat
(7)After I saw a Japanese sword hitting me with a knife
(8)I’m going to dispose of everything I’ve got
(9)I defected to Shanghai, where I was a martyr to
(10)And two years later
(11)He infiltrated Seoul with one goal
(12)his goal
(13)the governor-general of the state of Saamsalto
(14)But he failed to kill the governor by pushing
(15)A number of independent fighters have thrown bombs at police stations in an unexpected manner
(16)January 12th
(17)a huge bomb
(18)We blew it up
(19)In the process, he succeeded in escaping through the siege of more than 20 people, a guiding criminal and a notorious criminal chief
(21)the enemy of the independence fighters
(22)I put the egg in Tamura’s forehead
(23)Since then
(24)He stayed in Seoul and planned a big event
(25)revealed by a colleague who confessed to the grueling torture, and unfortunately
(26)a hiding place
(27)They are surrounded by about 400 Japanese policemen who have been dispatchedTo catch him
(28)4001 situation
(29)He fought alone for about three and a half hours until he ran out of bullets
(30)EBS Campaign
(31)Our heart-wrenching history
(32)his last choice
(33)Shout out one last bullet to the great independence
(34)I shot myself
(35)His body was shot 11 times
(36)I’ve been doing this before
(37)It’s like a movie that’s been compiled in a daily report and a decades report, but it’s a true story on the road
(38)We’re going to go back and forth
(39)the statue of Kim Sang-ok
(40)That place
(41)The garden of chemistry
(42)How did you get a destination
(43)a touch in the heart of the enemy
(44)But the reality is that it is being forgotten forlornly
(45)For the land we’re stepping on
(46)They’re dead
(47)We must never forget


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