image text translation
(1)Announcement of the final successful candidates in history
(2)Q How do you feel about passing the final round
(3)So when you became an announcer
(1)Announcement of the final successful candidates with Sawaimage text translation
(2)Q How do you feel about passing the final round
(3)How did you feel
(1)Originally, the announcerimage text translation
(1)It wasn’t a dream. 3000image text translation
(1)So, ENSURimage text translation
(1)What should I doimage text translation
(1)What kind of lifeimage text translation
(2)I don’t know if I should live
(1)at a lossimage text translation
(1)I got a jobimage text translation
(1)Then, I was going to do somethingimage text translation
(1)I wasn’t going to go to collegeimage text translation
(1)One person who never wanted to go to collegeimage text translation
(1)At that time, I was not good at studyingimage text translation
(1)I knew it, so when I was in my third year of high schoolimage text translation
(1)Dongdaemun Divisionimage text translation
(2)I said I was going to learn techniques
(1)I can’t be a mother anymoreimage text translation
(1)Noryangjin retook the examimage text translation
(1)Noryangjin Daesungimage text translation
(1)What class were you inimage text translation
(1)When you take the exam, it’s when I take the examimage text translation
(1)I don’t know what class it isimage text translation
(1)Because I didn’t go to private academies oftenimage text translation
(1)I hate studyingimage text translation
(1)a retake student who hated studyingimage text translation
(1)Thenimage text translation
(1)It’s Dongdaemunimage text translation
(2)I thought it wasn’t because
(1)With money, my mom and dadimage text translation
(1)sent me a private academyimage text translation
(1)I should do something Soimage text translation
(1)I started studyingimage text translation
(1)So when I studiedimage text translation
image text translation
(1)Study for 4 months and go to Hongik Universityimage text translation
Even if you look at it yourself, you’re not good at studying
I didn’t go to college and I was going to learn techniques
Mother, you’re forced to retake the exam
I played all the time when I took the exam again
I shouldn’t do this with my parents’ money Come to your senses
You studied for 4 months and went to Hongik University
Anyway, because of that experience, I recommend that test-takers take the exam again