A teacher who said he wouldn’t have known Bla had this workload

A teacher who said he wouldn't have known Bla had this workload

image text translation

(1)Topic > Bla bla bla
(2)During the teacher’s vacation, I usually say things like work
(3)I’m saying this because I don’t know the amount
(4)a civil servant j
(5)In a popular post, I wrote a teacher asking why I didn’t come to school during vacation
(6)First of all, I’m in high school. This story is limited to middle and high school
(7)It’s an eight-hour shift, including teacher lunch, and it’s a three-month vacation
(8)I’m saying this because I don’t know my usual workload
(9)I usually go to work at 8 o’clock and ask for 30 minutes of self-study English every day
(10)The allowance is 5,000 won only on the day of the listening broadcast, but it’s not even hundreds of thousands of won for a year
(11)The closing time is 430-40. Let’s call it a day and see if we need it
(12)It’s normal that it’s over 5 o’clock when you work
(13)I often take my laptop with me even when I get off work on time
(14)Four test questions a day, usually more than a week
(15)Every two semesters, 200 students in the special school of subject tax will have 500 words
(16)3 The homeroom teacher is 2,200 characters each
(17)4 How many nights do you have to go to school trips and retreats
(18)5 Student career counseling If a problem arises, student counseling with parents
(19)Frequently on the back
(20)When I applied for 6th and 3rd grade in high school, I couldn’t even go to the bathroom for a month, so I got a bladder infection
(21)constipation and working to the point where one’s throat is sore
(22)7 If you are in charge of work such as school audit or construction of the CSAT site, you will die for a while
(23)Even if you don’t want to prepare for class 8, the subjects you teach every semester and the contents of the special CSAT text keep changing. I usually go for 4 hours a week. It takes several hours to prepare for an hour. Take this home and do it a lot
(24)I didn’t know this before I taught
(25)I wouldn’t have known
(26)My mom told me to be a teacher, but sometimes she’s sorry. I don’t know about elementary school, but my best friend is in elementary school, and she’s also a friend who lives hard with her goal of promotion, so she lives a harder life than I do at research school
(27)These days, I’m sensitive to test questions and I’m a teacher
(28)If I say this, I’m jealous of the arts and sports teachers. X
(29)I’m so happy that I’m on vacation, so I wrote it down

A teacher who said he wouldn't have known Bla had this workload

image text translation

(1)Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
(2)It’s because teachers haven’t had a social life. Please understand
(3)Public officials h
(4)One of the reasons why it’s a little harder than the teacher looks is that the tempo of work is very fast. What it means is that in the case of the company, you can control the tempo by eating, drinking tea, chatting, and so on. Although lunch time is recognized as working hours, the teacher usually has no sense of humor while taking care of students; It’s often the first time to go to the bathroom in the afternoon. Even when I get off work, my cell phone battery is 80 sometimes, and I barely looked at my phone
(5)New company E
(6)㉡ 19 minutes and one
(7)Is Korean Textile J gone
(8)But I think they don’t know each other either
(9)Teacher or civil servant. Don’t build a corporate structure
(10)Is it Korean Textile J
(11)I think
(12)Busy teachers. Busy private companies
(13)Less Busy Teacher There are both less busy private companies
(14)First of all, the fact that I’m blinded during working hours
(15)㉡ 17 minutes
(16)Seoul Transportation Corporation, 1st Street Goes Close
(17)The average worker has more than one percentage of people who have experienced various things while changing jobs
(18)There’s a lot. Me too, but I don’t know because there are a lot of people who have only been teachers

A teacher who said he wouldn't have known Bla had this workload

image text translation

(2)I’m only doing that much work while I’m on vacation
(3)But he even wrote that it was hard
(4)As expected, I envy the teacher’s fate the most
(5)Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education Co., Ltd
(6)Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, everyThe more I do this, the more I get criticized. ㅠㅠ I’m also a middle and high school major subject, but if you think about it roughly, society and school will have different pressurescrying
(7)㉡ 15 minutes
(8)A government employee is going to go
(9)Yeah, I don’t know even if I say it anyway. It’s easy if you just think about it. You’re going to go to the subject. You don’t need vitality. I’ll just do one thing. It’s easy to evaluate if you’re a part-timer. If you’re a part-timer, it’s easy to get high school seniors’ counseling. If you’re not a part-timer, you can call Chapter 6 of your course and write it down, it’ll be great lol. It’s easier to get 100 on regular admissions if you’re a fast teacher
(10)This is what teachers do at their eye level, but if you do it like this, you’ll go crazy. It’s as bright as fire
(11)㉡ 10 minutes
(12)Samsung Electronics suppliers/backwards
(13)More than 95% of the time, it doesn’t mean that there’s much work
(14)That’s high school. How can you leave high school at 4:30
(15)It’s rarer
(16)㉡ 13 minutes
(17)You don’t study late at high school these days
(18)Even when I go to school, female teachers who don’t supervise only go to the end of the year
(19)I left on time
(20)ⓒ 10 minutes
(21)Civil service k
(22)Director Yajaham is also a student. It’s not good to use a part-time job for college students
(23)I’m better or my homeroom teacher is like a boogie. What are you talking about
(24)See 3 more comments
(25)A civil servant, J
(26)Lol, I really want to be greedy
(27)○ a great deal
(28)the National Police Agency
(29)Why is he digging his grave
(30)Who doesn’t work that much
(31)A government official
(32)It hurts to see George leave the school on time at 4:30 p.m. The school is also painful for teacher vacation, so what’s wrong with each other
(33)There’s a civil servant
(34)That’s so sweet
(35)a civil servant j
(36)You live like a frog in a well after spending your whole life at school
(37)For those who work
(38)I met with other companies a lot
(39)I know how hard it is to make a living
(40)I don’t think about writing this kind of nonsense

I don’t think the reaction is good in general

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