A story about a boyfriend in a helicopter

A story about a boyfriend in a helicopter

image text translation

(1)It reminds me of a story about a helchang ex-boyfriend
(2)When I went to my ex-boyfriend’s room for the first time, I was so excited
(3)I’m wearing something with arms and legs, but I think my body shape is better today. Oh, I’m embarrassed. What should I do
(4)I was lying on the bed and my ex was cleaning the house and talking
(5)He suddenly stared at me and sat next to me
(6)What is it? >< I did it, but he held my arm with both hands and threw it!I thought to myself, "What? What?" "Why?"
(7)What I’m saying seriously
(8)You need to work out your muscles here
(9)While doing this, I’m touching my arm alternately with my arm
(10)They were amazed
(11)I almost hit you. ^^ How are you? ^^
(12)Collecting gong-roong-roong-roong-roong-roong
(13)It’s very important to increase muscle mass
(14)That’s what’s important
(15)an anonymous writer
(16)There’s a reason why I almost hit him and didn’t. He’s not just good at gym. ^^
(17)Laughing out loud
(18)Anonymous 14
(19)Is this me



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