Architecture of Korea’s Famous Architects

Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects

Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Architecture of Korea's Famous Architects
Today, I would like to introduce BEST 5, a famous building in Korea.

안중근의사는 일제침략으로 나라의 운명이 위험에 처한 1909년 10월 26일 하얼빈역에서 제국주의 침략의 상징 이토 히로부미를 쓰러뜨려 대한의 민족혼이 살아있음을 세계 만방에 알린 민족의 영웅입니다. He died in prison after being unjustified by the
Japanese Empire.In October 1970, the “br” and “br” memorial hall was built at the current location of Namsan Mountain in Seoul under the direction of President Park Chung-hee and the public’s donation. The years after the Memorial of Korea Liberation Association and the ageing to the Ahn Jung-geun The park in 2004, Roh Moo-hyun received a request for a bird’s-eye view of the new memorial museum to the president’s instructions.The two young architects who built the memorial hall were considered to be the buildings that represented the spirit of national heroes, even if they were not roof tiles. The combination of tradition and young sense gave birth to a modest yet wonderful building.

! Lotte Buyeo Resort! Baek Sang-won condominium
>br롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데롯데 부여 부여 부여 부여 부여 부여 부여 Buyeo Resort building has been evaluated as the first condominium properly designed by a famous architect in Korea. The reason why this site, which is located in front of the Baekje Cultural Heritage Site, is highly regarded is that traditional and modern buildings exist separately and are created in harmony.

그 결과 누가봐도 멋드러진 건축물이 탄생했습니다. It is also considered a new concept of vacation spot in Baekje’s mysterious historical site.Not only can we explore the history of
, but it is also a tourist destination where we can enjoy sports golf, so it has become a building that is loved more by people.

!지노하우스!The Gino House, which has been emerging a lot lately, started the project with the idea that it would be possible to change the daily programs of neighborhood living facilities on the first floor, second-generation rental on the second floor, and third-floor owners within legal limits. The concept of a building with a commercial space and a residential space is designed for two purposes, and this is a successful example of how the Gino House expresses those two uses.

특별한점은 현대적인 감각으로 되자인되어 주변의 건물들과는 다른 느낌의 건물이라는 점인데요. Apparently, the building is neat and pretty, so people can’t help but visit.

R!D 연구소 !미지움!

이 연구소는 포르투갈의 세계적인 건축가 알바로 시자가 설계한 건물로 이 분은 건축계의 노벨상으로 불리는 프리츠커스 수상자 이기도 하죠. It looks quite simple, but it’s a building that allows people to think that this is the level of human imagination when the square columns of different sizes are stretched out in disorder.

이 건축물은 한국 건축가협화가 주관하는 !It was selected as the 2011 Best 7 Architecture Award, and it seems that the architecture design was very focused on its appearance and clean composition. >br<
!Forrests Quintet!

포레스츠 퀸텟은 숲의 5중주라는 의미로 다섯 집이 조화를 이루고 있는 독특한 디자인의 집입니다.
has a different design for all five albums, but the same thing is that they’re designed with a wide window and a wide view. The wooden structure that harmonizes with nature to the extent that it seems to be sleeping in the forest is attracting many people’s attention. The architect, who has a long experience in the design field of
br>>> < < < < < < < < < 요구 요구 요구 요구 요구 요구 요구 요구, demanded an integrated space plan rather than an active one, and as a result, it became one of the most famous villas in Yanggu, Gangwon-do.
오늘은 여기까지 5곳의 한국의 유명 건축물에 대해서 이야기 해보았습니다. There are many designers, but I think the things that are felt in the creation of buildings with special meanings are unique.

사우론 타워

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