If I’m an office worker, choose one thing I need

If I'm an office worker, choose one thing I need

image text translation

(1)It’s a superpower for an office worker
(2)If there’s only one
(3)1 Teleportability to and from work
(4)I don’t waste time commuting every day Only available for commuting
(5)2. Physical fitness king ability
(6)No matter how much I work overtime and drink, I don’t feel tired the next day
(7)3 Nagging shield ability
(8)You may not listen to your boss’s sickening and useless nagging
(9)4 Ability to skip tasks
(10)On a day when you have a lot of work, you can get rid of work once a week
(11)5 Stress = Earn money
(12)Every time I get stressed from working, my salary increases by 10,000 won
(13)The ability to have lunch as long as you want
(14)Every lunchtime, you shout out what you want to eat, and the food is ready
(15)7 Sleep is the best ability
(16)You can sleep if you’re sleepy while working. Up to 2 hours a day


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