image text translation
(1)Bla bla bla bla 7 hours
(2)A woman over 40 is not attractive to men
(4)Deloitte Anzin. You can try and make mistakes
(5)How about a guy who’s over 50
(6)Good. 41
(7)Seoul Transportation Corporation and liilliL
(8)Isn’t that obvious
(9)Good. 39
(10)Cafe 24!!!illill
(11)No matter how pretty you are
(12)7 hours. Good. 1
(13)IQVIA Korea al2xkemsl8
(14)It’s pretty. If it’s not like Han Jimin
(15)Good. 32
(16)Korea 7 – lil
(17)It’s near menopause. What kind of woman
(18)Samsung Electro-Mechanics MTfN03
(19)5 hours. Good. 2
(20)To The Bone Korea and Jo BoA’s day
(21)I still don’t know until that age
(22)All right, 32 ● All right
(23)It shouldn’t be more than average appearance
(24)It depends on where the average is. If it’s above the average in your 20s
(25)It could be okay, but if you’re above the average in your 40s, what does that mean
(26)7 hours. Good. 31
(27)You’re so immature
(28)Good. Two
(29)Taeyoung Construction – lilillllllll
(30)Women over 40 = Taeyoung Construction Co., Ltd
(31)Six hours. Good 22
(32)Presented by SK Signet and Charger Farm
(34)KEPCO 11001
(35)Taeyoung Construction is not closed yet. It’s a different decision
(36)Thaeyoung-jwa. (Laughing)