My girlfriend told me to come to my room, so I went

My girlfriend told me to come to my room, so I went

image text translation

(1)Source: Kakao Page Talk Drip Andromeda 4
(2)Can you lend me a Gucci hoodie
(3)Why did you suddenly wear Taegum’s hoodie
(4)I’m going to my girlfriend’s room right now!!!!
(5)My girlfriend wants me to come and catch a cockroach because she’s in her room
(6)Oh, my
(7)You’re scared of cockroaches, too
(8)Hey, I can go to a girl’s house right now, but a cockroach is no big deal
(9)But what does a taegum hoodie have to do with anything
(10)I wanted to look good
(11)So, let me borrow your clothes
(12)Park Tae-gum!!
(13)He’s going to sleep, man
(14)Oh, my God, you’re not even a little help in your life
(15)Hey, how can you catch a cockroach in a cool way
(16)Hold it with your hand
(17)Don’t overdo it. Just wrap it with tissue and throw it away
(18)LOL. LOL
(19)He catches a cockroach in a cool way and tries his first kiss
(20)Lunatic. LOL
(21)Just in case, buy 2 cans of beer
(22)I’m going to call a guy I’m dating at night and catch a bug
(23)You’re not going to let me go
(24)I’m gonna ask for a beer
(25)Good LOL
(26)Come on
(27)I’m in the room with my girlfriend
(28)Yes, but
(29)Department seniors gather here
(30)Crazy LOL. LOL
(31)But Park Tae-gum, why are you here


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