A man with a gold spoon and a tutor

A man with a gold spoon and a tutor

image text translation

(1)Korea University Bamboo Forest
(2)7 hours ♥
(3)#47101st roar
(4)I was born into a wealthy family
(5)My grandfather was a member of the National Assembly for a long time, and my grandmother was Dong
(6)It is said that you were from a famous rich family
(7)Dad ran a company founded by his grandfather and uncle together
(8)My mom ran a hospital in my dad’s building
(9)I don’t know if I’ve ever been stressed by financial reasons
(10)I’ve never given up on anything because I’m so short of money
(11)I could do everything I wanted to do
(12)My parents bought me an apartment in the back because my son went to college ★ and bought me a car with a trident brand
(13)I had plenty of pocket money and no worries
(14)Life was so loose before I knew it
(15)I heard that people who think that everything will be okay even if they don’t live in a hurry are trying hard to get 120 million won a year
(16)The accounts already contained people’s salaries for decades and decadesI’m not motivated at all and I’m tired of playing
(17)I wanted to work
(18)I wanted to make money with my own hands
(19)I started working at a meat restaurant for the first time five years ago
(20)I cleaned the grill for six hours when I was told to clean it
(21)The money gained through was only 50,000 won
(22)A few days ago, Ji Min-hoo and his classmates said they would give you medicine, and it’s worth 400,000 won
(23)I remember buying me meat
(24)My luxury was someone’s eight days’ worth of work
(25)I don’t want to get hungry when I wear clothes. I’m so bloated
(26)I didn’t like it, so I started tutoring
(27)The first day I met a tutor at the copy
(28)A cute student was waiting for me
(29)Of course, I thought he was younger than me, so I started talking casually
(30)But it turns out you’re a 24-year-old sister
(31)Environment where I studied with the aim of changing jobs but failed to enter college and tried again
(32)He said that he would take the college entrance exam this time after saving money while working
(33)I was suddenly curious If I fail this year’s CSAT, I think it’s like I just worked in my early 20s, so I wasted my early 20s
(34)Anyway, I decided to do tutoring
(35)She respected me three years younger than you
(36)I took him as a teacher
(37)I went to my sister’s house for the first time
(38)It was a small room
(39)I couldn’t imagine how hard my sister’s 20s must have been
(40)I also had respect for how long I had endured those things that I ggged in one day
(41)After the first class, my sister put 500,000 won in an envelope and handed it to me
(42)It didn’t mean anything bad. It must have been a problem that I was too much of an or not and that I only knew how to express things directly
(43)I saw her. She’s in a bad situation, so you can just spend the money
(44)I was stupid, and I expected my sister’s answer to this to be positive
(45)My sister cried and said she was disappointed, saying, “Are you ignoring me because I have a lot of money?”
(46)I thought my sister understood what I was saying differently than I intended I’ve said it over and over again to explain, but in the end, there’s no big problem if I don’t get money because I have a lot of money, and you’re not in that situation, so I’ll teach you for free
(47)I couldn’t deny that it was a nuance of neglect
(48)I apologized to my sister again and again
(49)After that, I think I looked at my sister differently
(50)I didn’t make a big difference, but I’m more responsible than I am
(51)I thought he was a hard worker I didn’t teach him the wrong way
(52)I study hard thinking that my sister’s life could be shaken
(53)I taught hard
(54)I kept in touch with my sister while tutoring
(55)I’m studying well
(56)I eat well
(57)Are you sleeping well
(58)I think it’s a bit frustrating
(59)I called almost twice or three times a day
(60)My sister is studying hard in such a difficult situation
(61)My actions of Ryeon are just expressions of my sympathy to my sister
(62)I was thinking about it
(63)After tutoring for about 3 months, in the mock test in June, my sister
(64)I got a grade
(65)I’m so proud of it. I’ll change my mood today
(66)I called out my weekend sister
(67)Let’s eat and watch a movie. My sister told me to watch a movie
(68)Wow, I saw Gokseong. It was scary. He seemed weirdly scared
(69)I didn’t want to
(70)It’s a shame to just go to the movies, so let’s drink a little bit and go home
(71)I said so. I know it was poison, but it’s weird
(72)I really wanted to drink with my sister that day
(73)I’ll do the day while drinking or taking a nap
(74)He apologized. He lamented his own life
(75)I’ve been listening to a lot more about my own mistakes
(76)I regret it. I hope you achieve your goal
(77)That was my wish
(78)On the morning of the college entrance exam, I promised to take my sister to the test site
(79)Hand warm, glucose, candy, scarf, gloves, blanket, earwax
(80)Let’s put the dog and other gifts in the car
(81)You gave me water when it’s cold, saying it’s bitter
(82)Then, I went to the test site with a bit of sadness
(83)I’ve got a sharp hand
(84)When I arrived at the front entrance, I opened the car door and told my sister to look after me
(85)He cheered me on and asked me I’m going to make you smell like a cigarette
(86)After I reported on a bad incident, I wrote it on the day I had tutoring
(87)I wanted to smoke a lot when I didn’t smoke
(88)And I went home and slept without going to school
(89)If you can’t come back after the end of the college entrance exam
(90)I contacted you because I wanted to go and buy food, but I’m preparing for an interview with Ramdo
(91)He said he was busy because he had to do it, and he said he was sorry
(92)Call all the people who went to college for an interview in the neighborhood and prepare for the interview
(93)I helped you
(94)I’m going to take a folding bus. I’m going to give you a ride
(95)So we went together again
(96)I don’t know if my wish and my sister’s efforts worked
(97)My sister also succeeded in preparing for the entrance examination, which is her goal
(98)At the same time, my house, Neho, who was holding on to the ankle, was also transmitted
(99)Even if it’s hard, it’s betterI’m done with my breathtaking life
(100)Look down on my sister’s knees on the day the final acceptance announcement was made
(101)At the end of the year, Mura is a “Refsuk”
(102)I want to thank Ahn A Yeon for wearing them
(103)I didn’t want to let go, so I cried
(104)It was a birthplace that there was no longer a virtue to see
(105)When asked why he cried, he said he was so happy
(106)I’d rather be honest with you. I had regrets about Lujeon
(107)I felt like I was going back
(108)He didn’t want to go out, so I just
(109)I wanted you to call me at least once, but you didn’t call me
(110)I’m sorry to say that I’m going to give up my army
(111)I made up my mind
(112)I kept it a secret that I was going to the army
(113)Only the best elite in the Korean Army can go to the search center after picking up search support at the training center. I wanted to send a letter to the search center thinking that I would never forget anythingIt was a letter from my sister
(114)a great power
(115)I’m back in the living room
(116)The Internet
(117)Coincidentally, I’ve been in touch since I joined the military, but I don’t answer the phone
(118)I put a phrase on itI promised to be my sister after falling to my own will. When I said, “It’s not like I’m in the army, I’m in the army.” When I asked, I found out that I was in the army
(119)If you get mad at me, I’ll hang in there after seeing the meeting
(122)When executives ask me if I’m a girlfriend
(123)I’ve passed it
(124)I thought it would be nice if I did You don’t want to let go, but you don’t want to let goI feel like I’m in the middle of a night
(125)You were sad
(126)I called my sister almost every dayThey came to visit us once in a while
(127)Then I was discharged from the military service. I ate with the air in front of the school, took my sister, and tried to drive me in the carSis, how can you
(128)He went to the newsroom
(129)The sound of this
(130)I don’t know if you think so
(131)If you think you like me, can you like me
(132)I asked
(133)She said she needs some time because it’s so sudden
(134)It took me 4 days to get that answer
(135)Four days felt like 40 years202/25th
(136)18 years, 1 Jesus’ birthday is the 18th I’ve seen with my sister
(137)We had a hard time getting along with each other
(138)It’s different from what it used to be
(139)I’ll make sure I don’t make a mistake
(140)I tried hard not to hurt each otherI miss you every day. Is it like that every day? Bin
(141)It was a shame that we couldn’t see each other every day
(142)He begged me to live with him every day for about six months
(143)I’ve heard that he’s blood-throwed. I’m going to the hospital
(144)I cried and said it. If you listened to me, wouldn’t this have happened
(145)I’m alive
(146)I thought it would be more meaningful, so I used the vacation and did interior design myselfI was so excited and excited because it was our handmade house. I still think every day is the same as the Lunar New Year
(147)It was so touching. My heart flutters every day
(149)I’ve been in so many relationships so far, and I’m so excited that I’ve never had a love affair
(150)I don’t know if I can live a long life
(151)It’s too early to think that I want to get married, but from my sister
(152)I told you. I said marriage was scary. I didn’t like itHe said he was scared that his hands were going to fall. I was angry with my sister, asking why I was worried, and she said, “Why did you get angry and not understand this?” It was my first fight, and I was sorry that I wouldn’t cry, so I was burying my face in an apple radish because I was not in a good mood, so I heard that he was a gold spoon boyfriend and was trying to hit three times later Everyone around him could say this when he got married, but he hesitated because he couldn’t handle it Take a step back and get married
(153)Oh, Seni. Something like that
(155)I was so nervous but it made me cry
(156)I went into my room to do it. I’ll cut you
(157)in a knitted manner
(158)I understood. I refrained from talking about marriage to my sister
(159)We talked about marriage naturally. Especially last year. During COVID-19, we were together almost all day long, so our love deepened because we were in the house of poems, so it took a long time
(160)a lot
(161)I think the problem was that I was infected with COVID-19 last summer, and my girlfriend was also infected by me. I wasn’t very sick. Maybe it was a small and tender person, so I felt like I was leaning in bigger because of my noseI resented and regretted myself every dayI’m cured first, and I’m constantly fighting the virus. I’ll die if I call my girlfriend
(162)I got caught
(163)It really hurt a lot
(164)The fire is even worse
(165)hair loss
(167)Since I’m going to die
(168)If you want to save your reputation, get well soon. I said a lot of cheesy things
(169)I was glad that my sister was in the sky and open. I promised to be more careful and more careful. Love was originally deep, but I think it’s really day by day because I delayed marriage
(170)It’s something that causes great damage to my life
(171)My girlfriend proposed to my friend to take good care of me for the rest of my life, who was in trouble after the final examination. My sister finally accepted and acceptedIt was not generous, so it was possible to bear the fruits of our love of a new life. It was surprisingly smooth to start the marriage to tie the knot The people of the state did the right thing, especially my parents, who said she endured the situation and held her hand tight several times, and two older sisters said something nice about itEven my parents say that I’m going to live a good life in a row by just wiping away tears
(173)How much
(174)It’s hard to worry about everything
(175)Division 1
(176)I don’t have any
(177)I met the same lamb, but I didn’t know what to do
(178)You said it’s okay if you’re smart
(179)It took me longer to decide whether to take a picture of the wedding permission or not
(180)I think it was a wedding picture
(181)It’s been 1000 days since we dated ★ ★ and I hope you cheer for me so that I can live the marriage that I finally wanted and waited for Member, Nam Kwang Wook and 4,293 people
(182)I’ll make sure I don’t do it
(183)1,353 comments and 692 sharing

Why is there no twist

A man with a gold spoon and a tutor
image text translation

(1)If it’s late at night, 2024-01-01 160332970
(2)In the middle, I read it while nervous that my sister would really become a star
(3)That’s great. Four
(4)Navy 2024-01-01 173833 23770
(5)That’s so obvious. And it’s nice. It’s so obvious
(6)Recommendation reply
(7)The strongest zone 2024-01-01 1829070
(8)Let’s smile the best
(9)From anemia… I was wondering if COVID-19 was going to happen and I was happy
(10)I’m so glad it’s the ending. Move 1

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