image text translation
(1)As soon as electrons spin up, positrons spin down
(2)No matter how far away the two particles are
(3)At the same time, the condition is determined
(4)Quantum entanglement called Quantumentanglement
(5)Turn right around the spin-up axis around the spin-down axis
(6)Turn to the left
(7)Of the two split particles
(8)If you spin up an electron, the positron spin down
(9)If you spin up positrons, the electrons spin down
(10)Spin down
(11)In other words, you split a particle into two
(12)If you change the state of one particle, the state of the other particle will change
(13)It means that it changes at the same time
(14)Electrons are placed on Earth and positrons are placed in the solar system about 640 light
(15)I’m taking it to Betelgius, a year away
(18)What happens in the quantum entanglement phenomenon described earlier
(19)If you spin up electrons on Earth
(20)It’s in Betelgius, about 640 light years from the solar system
(21)positron is
(22)I spin down at the same time without any time difference
(23)Did you notice something weird
(24)No matter how far we are, when we decide on our condition
(25)The rest of this is decided at the same time
(26)Even if it’s millions of light years away
(27)Common sense doesn’t make sense
(28)2022 Nobel Prize in Physics Quantum Computer, Yang
(29)usher in the telecommunications era
(30)Article approval 20221005 100846
(31)Re-prove the theory of quantum mechanics and reveal quantum entanglement
(32)3rd Research Fellow Award
(33)31-16372 = 9 mountains
(34)From left, Anton Chilinger Nobel Committee Alain Aspenobelwe
(35)Wonho Zone Clouser Norvelwee
(36)The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics is a test of quantum entanglement
(37)Open quantum technology sitters such as Hayang GojaCom
(38)I’ve won a prize in the 3rd prize It’s a real experiment
(39)the possibility of controlling the irradiation of entangled conditions
(40)have been recognized for having opened Their research is positive
(41)Now, quantum information, such as computers, Yangam self-communication, myth, etc
(42)I’m half-baked in new technologies
(43)Especially Einstein’s negative quantum mechanics theory
(44)Quantum by re-proving and uncovering quantum entanglement’
(45)He’s been evaluated for pioneering information and science
(46)But the more I experiment, the more it’s proven to be real