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Shinwon’s territorial dispute over Dokdo is actually


Shinwon's territorial dispute over Dokdo is actually

image text translation

(1)MBC News Desk
(2)Likewise, before August 15, 1945, the Korean people and the U.S. and China were on the same side, and Japan was the enemy After that, North Korea, not Japan, became the enemy, while South Korea, the U.S., and Japan shared the values of liberal democracy and market economy, and became a close cooperative relationship as an alliance or safety in all aspects, including security and economy During the Cold War, there were fewer Chinese Soviets and later alternative human rights abuses Russia was a potential danger to us
(3)5 open questions to the 3rd place CEO Lee Jae-myung
(4)Even above, they completely turned a blind eye to events that are fatal to national defense
(5)Instead, I would like to ask Lee Jae-young and the Democratic Party of Korea, who focused on anti-Japanese propaganda for political gain, even at the National Defense Committee, which deals with national issues of national defense
(6)The National Defense Commission was held in about five weeks since February 17th. North Korea has launched 23 missile provocations nine times In particular, following the SLCM provocation, the North successfully detonated a short-range ballistic missile SRBM with a transporter erector launcher (TEL) in March 16 missiles, but the North Korean military, which has mentioned its use of the missile, is it a reasonable attitude as a political leader of the Republic of Korea to instigate a large force that will not even worry and will not come
(7)It is true that there is a dispute between Korea and Japan over territorial sovereignty over Dokdo But as of August 15, 1945, are militaristic Japan before it and liberal democratic Japan after it the same country
(8)Did he complete the tactical nukes
(9)Recently, China has frequently invaded our airspace, including Ieodo Cardiz Following the Northeast Project, Seo Hye-jeong has been constantly pressing for the West Sea Nevertheless, the Democratic Party and the left-wing regime have never raised questions about China properly Isn’t that strange? It’s for the sake of liberal democracy and our national defense Even though our national defense signs are multifaceted, the Democratic Party
(10)The territorial dispute over Dokdo is actually…Remarks at the National Assembly, too


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