image text translation
(1)This animal is a small deer called the Franhorn pronghorn
(2)This kind of small deer is very thin and long
(3)Look at the French red pepper
(4)But this long, thin red pepper like sorghum was eaten by a camel
(5)A maximum that you can’t feel from a camel and a female relative
(6)I’m sorry. I’m sorry
(7)What’s the reason
(8)The answer lies in the camel’s mouth
(9)The camel’s mouth goes to the wool so that you don’t get stabbed by thorns when you eat cactus
(10)If the fur filled with sorghum and red pepper dance like an anemones in the sea
(11)It’s sticky with saliva, and it’s even rough
(12)I’m going to keep the scratch on my head