Song So-hee who spent Christmas with the nursery school children

Song So-hee who spent Christmas with the nursery school children

image text translation

(1)Keep playing games
(2)Quit playing games
(3)I believe in Santa
(4)It was Merry Christmas!
(5)A special relationship with Sanago
(6)There’s a nursery where I go to meet my younger siblings once a month
(7)You came to play there again
(8)”Fan ID” said she wanted to go there too
(9)But they’re very young, so they’re like a bolt out of the blue
(10)ID SANAGO said, “I’ve been calmer than I am”
(11)He taught the 3D pen to kids all day long We played together
(12)If I were to bring up more about the monthly nursery
(13)Just like going to my mom and dad’s house once a month
(14)I’m going to go play at my brothers’ house
(15)In the first place, I volunteered
(16)I need to be of help to these people
(17)I’m going to give you love! I didn’t go with that thought
(18)I really like babies
(19)But there was no baby around me
(20)So, where should I go to see the baby!
(21)That’s why I went
(22)But now we’re a family
(23)If you’re a family, your mom and dad go there once a month
(24)I have to go to see my younger siblings once a month
(25)I’m tired every time I go, but I’m just so happy
(26)We were together four years ago, and now we’re like family
(27)a nearly monthly visit
(28)Recent photos


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