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a rather embarrassing government



a rather embarrassing government
image text translation

(1)I worked in a single former government
(2)Last year’s award for outstanding civil servants was suddenly canceled
(3)Enter reporter Yoon Sam-na 202312292028
(4)I worked in a single former government
(5)Government of the Republic of Korea
(6)At the end of the year, the government selects outstanding civil servants and gives them medals or presidential commendations. However, the reward for 800 outstanding civil servants selected last year was recently canceled suddenly There are complaints that the previous government canceled the reward because it paid off
(7)Reporter Yoon Sam-na covered it
(8)Mr. A, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, received a notice late last year that he was selected as the best civil servant in 2022
(9)He said he was recognized for his active work to increase diplomatic achievements
(10)Including A, 48 government officials were selected to receive medals and presidential commendations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs alone
(11)The list is still posted on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

a rather embarrassing government

image text translation

(1)Only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Mr. A, commendation of the medal and the president
(2)48 government officials were selected to receive
(3)The list is still posted on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
(4)However, the award was delayed a few days later, and I was informed that the reward itself was canceled
(5)Not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but also 800 people from 40 ministries were canceled
(6)Complaints have erupted among government officials that they canceled the reward itself so as not to reward the employee who pushed for the policy of the former Moon Jae Inn government
(7)Since the Yoon Suk Yeoln government was launched in May last year, it was excluded from the work of the Moon Jae Inn government from January to April
(8)In fact, their achievements included the work done by the entire government, including a group vaccination for COVID-19 among overseas Koreans visiting the summit in January 2022
(9)However, the Moon Jae-in administration, which was launched in May 2017, also gave the award to excellent civil servants as it was at the end of that year
(10)An official from the Ministry of Public Administration and Security said, “We select excellent civil servants considering their contributions to national affairs, but last year, the period was short,” and there was an opinion that we should give them a reward after reflecting all the achievements
(11)Awards for the best civil servants selected this year will be given by early next year, one year later

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