image text translation
(1)ID Maeil Economy
(2)尹n President Visits Front Force” Also Attacked
(3)”Please report on the 後 of the retaliation against the 先”
(4)Reporter Yoon Gyun Park. Entergyun mkcokr 20231290018
(5)Find the 5th Division of Central Frontline and encourage them
(6)Promise to dramatically improve the welfare of soldiers
(7)President Yoon Suk Yeol greets soldiers before visiting a restaurant in Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do, on the 28th for a luncheon with soldiers Reporter Lee Seung-hwan
(8)President Yoon Suk Yeol’s willingness to respond positively to North Korea’s provocations during his visit to the frontline unit on the 28th, ordering, “If you are provoked, please respond immediately to retaliation and report it to us later.”
(9)have expressed