It’s weird when he goes to a motel

It's weird when he goes to a motel

image text translation

(1)He gets weird when he goes to a motel
(2)First of all, I’m sorry. I’m so frustrated
(3)It’s not a self-made book. It’s 100% real
(4)Even if you think you made it yourself, just believe it’s real. Please give me some advicecrying
(5)I have a boyfriend who is less than a year old It gets weird when you go to a motel
(6)I’m not saying it’s perverse, but it’s very supportive
(7)When I first went there, I wondered what it was, but after the second time
(8)I was convinced that he was a fs
(9)As soon as you enter, set the air conditioner to 17 degrees
(10)It’s okay in the summer, but the problem is that I turn on the air conditioner even in autumn and winter
(11)Are you going to a motel for comfort? Are you going to freeze
(12)And there’s a self-service on the bottom Cookies and drinks that you don’t eat there
(13)I bring at least 5 and eat them all
(14)Once, I went to a ㅌ in Incheon and they said they were going down to the self-service bar
(15)It didn’t come until 30 minutes. It was after a long time
(16)I opened the door and you know how to bake bread, right? There are selfies
(17)I just baked a whole bag of bread and filled a paper cup with jam
(18)It’s so amazingNot only this, but in the summer
(19)If you go to a ㅌ with a slush machine, you’ll empty the water bottle and bring 2 to 3 bottles
(20)It’s a really small thing up to here I’m really annoyed from now on
(21)I’m going to do it and I’m going to rest and get ready to go out
(22)He always tells me to take a shower first, so he takes a shower
(23)It hasn’t been long since I found out, but he washed up, got dressed, got ready
(24)I went to the toilet to go to the toilet and there was foam on the toilet
(25)I was wondering what it was, so I went out and asked, but they said it’s because I put shampoo in it
(26)I thought it was opening, so I went back in. Shampoo lynx body wash
(27)I checked and it was all empty– I threw it in the toilet (Laughing)
(28)I’m sure he’s been doing this until now
(29)I always take out all the tissues and put them in my bag
(30)I can’t take toilet paper because it’s big, so I put it all out and bite it and throw it away to make it small
(31)I asked him why, and he said it’s a shame to get 40,000 won to 50,000 won a night
(32)That’s how you should do it. It’s not a waste
(33)They say they get even angrier when they confront each other
(34)Even if you’re angry or not tired, it keeps popping up
(35)Every time I do that, I’m being honest–
(36)I can’t help but go because it’s obvious that you’re in a relationship and you’re in love
(37)If I go there, I’m going to go crazy
(38)It’s winter soon and I get mad when I think of the air conditioner–
(39)I can’t ask you to break up with this–


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