The owner of the store reported that he was running several convenience stores and was reported by a part-timer.ㄷㄷJPG

The owner of the store reported that he was running several convenience stores and was reported by a part-timer.ㄷㄷJPG

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(2)An employee who had been working part-time for two years
(3)After arguing with the manager
(4)I filed a complaint with the Labor Office
(5)I’m asking you to ask for advice on how to deal with these cases because it’s so difficult
(6)The employee filed a complaint with the Labor Office about the following
(7)1 Holiday allowance unpaid
(8)2 Non-payment of night allowance
(9)3 Non-payment of overtime pay
(10)4 I ran away with the contract I didn’t write
(11)It’s not been 15 days yet, but this is also a problem because it’s only paid when the unpaid settlement of May’s salary and severance pay comes in
(12)The Labor Administration says that since there are several part-timers, it must be paid unconditionally that it can be viewed as a workplace with more than 5 employees
(13)I understand this, too
(14)Convenience stores continue to incur negative millions of won every month
(15)This is also a decrease because 3 stores are closed and 1 is left crying
(16)I can’t afford to pay right away
(17)I think the Labor Administration thinks it’s going to be over 1,000 or 2,000
(18)He always wants to find an agreement with the staff, but he never picks up his phone after he ran away
(19)How do we resolve this

December 11th

The owner of the store reported that he was running several convenience stores and was reported by a part-timer.ㄷㄷJPG
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(1)It’s hard. It’s really hard
(2)In the end, it was ruled that two stores would be considered more than five people;;
(3)I got 2,500 hearts;;
(4)Penalty Bank 2 Financial Group Relatives Borrowed money to become family members and closed only 3 of themThere’s one more left
(5)The one that’s left is 400 to 500 per month
(6)The part-timers who know my situation and steal me
(8)I’m so scared of the world
(9)It’s too much to pay right now
(10)I’ll try to hold out if the last store can be transferred as soon as possible
(11)I always show up because of the bad economy
(12)Which site is the most likely to post it on

December 24th

The owner of the store reported that he was running several convenience stores and was reported by a part-timer.ㄷㄷJPG
image text translation

(1)Source Convenience store owner Cafe nickname, I didn’t capture the title
(2)In the case of workers with less than five employees under the Labor Standards Act
(3)You don’t have to pay overtime during the holidays
(4)I think I paid 2,500 because I was reported while operating 4 stores
(5)Other store owners are also puzzled, saying, “Wasn’t it okay because the business number was different?” I guess the law is because the tax accountant in charge of the labor company’s store owner also sides with the part-time job

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