I want to know – the best friendship ever

I want to know - the best friendship ever

image text translation

(1)an advance notice of knowledge
(2)a letter from a prisoner
(3)I didn’t kill a friend
(4)We’d like to know what it is.
(5)I thought it was frustrating and unfair
(6)I don’t listen
(7)I’ll find the hidden picture in the CCTV
(8)When I asked him while showing the video
(9)I immediately printed him out as the dead and the accused
(10)It’s 100
(11)I think you can tell just by looking at him walking

I want to know - the best friendship ever

image text translation

(1)Open to it
(2)We’d like to know what it is.
(3)CCTV on the day of the incident
(4)We’d like to know what it is.
(5)I want it to be thin
(6)Because of this possibility, I recorded everything carefully
(7)I want to open it
(8)The path we secured was the same as the one that the suspect moved

I want to know - the best friendship ever

image text translation

(1)We’d like to know what it is.
(2)We’d like to know what it is.
(3)Park Woo Sung’s walking style is very unique. When my friends watched the video
(4)Park Siwoo, Daegu Police Station
(5)That walk is Park Woosung’s name
(6)100 intuitive
(7)We’d like to know what it is.
(8)The expression, “Punish me if evidence comes out.”
(9)He’s confident
(10)I think I can be acquitted

I want to know - the best friendship ever

image text translation

(1)1 A letter was sent to the egg
(2)The contents of the 2nd letter are… I’m a prisoner who received life imprisonment for murder, but I’m not satisfiedㅜㅜ Please help me
(3)Let’s go to the production team
(4)4 The prisoner who sent the letter was accused of luring him to the Geumhogang River Dune in Buk-gu, Daegu, at around 6 a.m. on April 5 and hitting him 17 times with a blunt instrument
(5)5 According to the police, the friend and the other person are insured and killed
(6)6 Caught on CCTV near the crime scene with a clue of the baby’s unusual walking
(7)7 This baby’s walk is really narrow and unusual, so my friends can see it right away by looking at the CCTV screen
(8)8 The police threw the bait saying all the evidence came out
(9)9 A stupid fool bit the rice cake and confessed everything in detail about the situation at the time
(10)10 The movements that the baby showed himself during the on-site inspection were exactly the same as those shown by the taxi driver’s testimony or CCTV at the time
(11)11. However, CCTV only showed the victim entering the scene and the baby walking in a strange and unusual way, but the face was not even taken
(12)12 After being sentenced to life imprisonment in the first trial, the criminal learned about it, and sent a fake letter to the egg. The baby’s family also participated in the fake interview
(13)13 According to the report, this guy is the culprit
(14)14 Psychologists – When the suspect’s evidence comes out, the saying that he will be punished with any punishment can be seen as “I know the evidence that the police do not know.”
(15)The suspect explained that he thought he could be acquitted and was not accepting that he was caught in a law-peddling analysis
(16)- 1 line summary – life imprisonment cub who killed his friend for insurance money, the egg
(17)I’m going to use it to make a fuss, but I’m going to break it down properly


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