I’m a doggather who’s watching you after going to the bath

I'm a doggather who's watching you after going to the bath

image text translation

(1)I’ve never seen red pepper paste in my life
(2)131c064c ①7 minutes ago ⊙ 44
(3)I went to the sauna
(4)High school students are sitting in the bath
(5)One person sits in the bath with only his legs dipped
(6)He was fiddling with his chili pepper and ordered me to use glue
(7)I was looking at him thinking, “What is he doing?”
(8)He was in the bath, and he giggled as he was shuffling in the other friend’s face
(9)If you look at him with a dashing face
(10)I think the guy who hit me is a strong guy
(11)Aside from that, teenagers these days are not good at public promotions
(12)Is there any shame
(13)I saw three middle and high school students walking around after getting an erection at a sauna today
(14)Q. I don’t recommend 3. Recommend 1


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