Manhwah, a cartoon of the Marjok princess and the human prince

Manhwah, a cartoon of the Marjok princess and the human prince

image text translation

(1)Princess! I’m here!You’ll marry me
(2)I’m the daughter of the devil
(3)I mean, it’s not a princess!
(4)Charles, don’t do this. We’re a different race
(5)Tinya Even if we are different races, there is no barrier to my love!
(6)You memorized the lines well
(7)Hey, but this is really
(8)Should I do it in front of the king
(9)In order to prevent me from getting married
(10)I need your help
(11)I don’t like it either!!!!

Manhwah, a cartoon of the Marjok princess and the human prince

image text translation

(1)I heard you wanted to know Jim, Princess
(2)If you’re here to fix your lack of pocket money, go back
(3)I know the girl, Abama
(4)It’s not formal. Just say it in peace
(5)What I want to say to my father is

Manhwah, a cartoon of the Marjok princess and the human prince

image text translation

(1)Princess Tinya belongs to this body!!!
(2)Long time no see, Charles

Manhwah, a cartoon of the Marjok princess and the human prince

image text translation

(1)My lord! I’ll take your daughter!
(2)It’s so cheesy
(3)Tinya can’t be handed over to another prince
(4)Is there a problem
(5)You said you were going to marry each other when you were young
(6)Oh my! What’s going on
(7)So, didn’t you know that your father and I had already decided to marry you
(8)No!!! What happened when I was young
(9)Let’s decide on a marriage!!!
(10)Did you like me
(11)Stay still! Come on!

Manhwah, a cartoon of the Marjok princess and the human prince

image text translation

(1)Of course. I’ll come every night
(2)I don’t know how many times I talked about the prince
(3)Honestly, I don’t like you, Charles
(5)Yesterday, the two of them practiced acting hard, and I wonder if they’re acting at the academy
(6)Hey, let’s show them the play
(7)Oh my! Are you showing it
(9)Princess! This body is here! Please marry me!
(10)Wow! Argh! Argh!!!!!!
(11)Tinya Even if we are different races, there is no barrier to my love!!!
(13)The lines are a bit outdated
(14)It’s so fresh. One of the scenes from “Love Comedy”
(15)Honey, hush!

Manhwah, a cartoon of the Marjok princess and the human prince

image text translation

(1)Lol, you liked me!
(2)I thought I was the only one who liked it!
(4)ㅣTina, can you pretend you didn’t hear that

Smile with a picaboo cartoon manhwah

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