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What happens when population density increases


What happens when population density increases

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(1)When the population density increases
(2)What Happens 40
(3)Psychologist John Culhoun said
(4)Experiments limited space with sufficient feeding to rats were conducted

What happens when population density increases

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(1)When the density was above a certain level, the behavior of the mice began to change
(2)Representative examples are the following actions
(3)abandonment of child rearing
(4)abuse of babies
(5)A series of Poppongjwi
(6)Group bbyong bbyong bbyong
(7)Normal, but sometimes violent
(9)a loss of ability to decorate a nest

What happens when population density increases

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(1)These abnormalities caused the cluster to collapse, and the dog
(2)I’ve been losing weight
(3)Abnormal behavior until the density falls below a certain level
(4)It’s been going on
(5)It’s something that different species do when the density of life increases
(6)We’re acting differently
(7)Laboratory mice have many similarities to humans, meaningful experiments

South Korea’s population ranking

What happens when population density increases
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(1)Korea’s population is about 51601265th, 26th in the world
(2)Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs 201605 CIA The World Factbook 201407
(3)Canada has a population of about 34834841
(4)37th in the world
(5)World National Population Rankings
(6)Australia has a population of about 2250
(7)7617 people ranked 55th in the world

Global Population Density Rankings as of 2013

a country with a large population relative to its land area

What happens when population density increases
image text translation

Korea ranks third in population density

Even in this small country, 10 million people live in Seoul, which is the size of a booger

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