a special reunion

a special reunion

image text translation

(1)Our reunion is very special. Would you like to come
(2)This is a special bank account
(3)It’s a group of 4th graders in elementary school
(4)a special reunion
(5)It’s hard to call it a reunion
(6)instantaneous capture
(7)out of nowhere
(8)This special reunion
(9)Wear whatever you want to wear freely
(10)Hey, let’s get together. Let’s get together
(11)This special reunion
(12)Space saturation in the world
(13)The main broadcast of this special reunion
(14)You’ll know when you go up
(15)instantaneous capture
(16)Oh, my
(17)This kind of reunion
(18)The venue for the reunion is licensed public land!
(19)Kim Jin-gyu, 60, graduated from Saturn Elementary School 22 times
(20)No one else can hear it, but we’re down there
(21)· I’ve got permission, so I’ve passed
(22)at a high speed of sickle
(23)This is the place for the reunion
(24)Oh, take care of your mother
(25)This special reunion
(26)You said it was a reunion. What kind of situation 5
(27)Ulsan and That
(28)Oh, my God, I’m tasting it
(29)This is a special reunion
(30)Is it a reunion
(31)No, it’s my teacher’s grave
(32)It’s the grave of a teacher who died in 4th grade
(33)alcohol and capture
(34)in a sickle and stretch
(35)This kind of writing is a special reunion
(36)Taste it and stretch it out
(37)This is a special Dongchanghoe
(38)Teacher, Lee Byung-duk
(39)a special reunion
(40)January 10th
(41)A special reunion on such a day
(42)a live broadcast
(43)My teacher passed away during winter vacation
(44)Oh, my God. Go fast
(45)1 Kim Jin-gyu, the 22nd graduate of Doseong Elementary School. For 50 years, our friends gather together and do this every year
(46)This year
(48)To the world, this special reunion in the mountains
(49)So we had a reunion here
(50)I’m going to put it down to
(51)At the grave of my elementary school teacher
(52)a 50-year reunion where this kind of thing happens
(53)The alumni meeting, which is said to be held twice a year, has already been held for more than 50 years
(54)50 Years of Oriental Painting
(55)Is there a reason why you’re a teacher
(56)He’s our teacher
(57)Oh, my God. At your grave
(58)It’s a concentric meeting that’s been held for 50 years
(59)_ He used to say that
(60)Don’t step on him
(61)Oh, my God, at the grave of a teacher at Soohoe Elementary School
(62)a 50-year reunion
(63)So, if we work together, if we do it together
(64)Even if I don’t tell you, we all get together like this
(65)God, the 900-50-year reunion at the school teacher’s grave
(66)Oh my god, study
(67)50 years of this kind of reunion
(68)I still remember Lee Byung-duk
(69)SBS Musical
(70)a 50-year-long meeting of heads of state
(71)A cry for a new world
(72)In the 50 years of drinking in the world, at the Hoi Hakjeon Children’s Song Center
(73)You were pretty
(74)Let’s start crying out for a new world! Musical Various kinds
(75)At the grave of my elementary school teacher
(76)This 50 year old reunion
(77)I was beaten by the teacher
(78)Let’s start the SBS musical cry! Musical Korea’s best creative musical that swept various awards! Until August 20, Hongik University’s Daehak-ro
(79)Oh, my God. In the grave of an elementary school teacher
(80)He got hit even more when he came home
(81)The best creative musical in Korea that swept the SBS musical!Until August 20, Hongik University Daehangno Art Center Enquiries 1544-1555 at the Grand Theater
(82)Oh, my God. At the school teacher’s grave
(83)The teacher asked me if I should’ve hit him, so I got hit more
(84)Contact the SBS Musical Theater 1544-1555
(85)These 50 years of public hearings at places in the world
(86)He’s very free and plays with the kid without much hesitation
(87)She was a teacher
(88)an early 50-year reunion
(89)Back then, my teacher was 26 years old
(90)I didn’t even get married. She was a maiden
(91)Let’s start crying out for a new world! Korea’s best to sweep various awards in the musical “Swag Age Chanting Joseon”
(92)This 50 year old reunion
(93)- I’ve only heard that you’re getting engaged
(94)● It’s sad to go back that winter
(95)SBS Musical Korea’s Best Creative Musical! Until August 20, Hongik University Daehangno Art Center Enquiries 1544-1555 at the Grand Theater
(96)a reunion held during 1950
(97)They went to Jeonbu’s house during the vacation
(98)He came down to do his duty
(99)At the elementary school teacher’s nursery
(100)a 150-year alumni plan
(101)He smoked briquettes in the fire room, but he died because of the coal gas. I don’t know if he knows
(102)Oh, my God. At the grave of an elementary school teacher
(103)The teacher who was the 4th grade teacher in elementary school in 1973
(104)Captured momentarily!
(105)a 50-year reunion where this kind of thing happens
(106)a sudden accident
(107)I didn’t know that the teacher died. I
(108)the angle of a person’s mouth
(109)The 50 years of alumni meeting where this kind of writing takes place
(111)Even if the girls actually cried, what did the men know then? They were wearing rubber shoes
(112)at the grave of an elementary school teacher
(113)Hong to be held for 50 years
(114)1 Lee Jung-Im, 60 years old, the 22nd graduate school of Saturn Elementary School
(115)I cried a lot when I was close to him. Shocked
(116)I only remember that
(117)a fire station
(118)He’s got a grave near the school
(119)Hong Jang Hwa is taking place for the past 50 years
(120)a small police station
(121)Tonight at 10pm
(122)I happened to see a tombstone when I was climbing the mountain with my friend
(123)Sondok Lee Byung-eun
(124)Oh, my God, this 50 year reunion at the teacher’s grave
(125)And border numbers
(126)About the teacher
(127)the time when one’s memory is forgotten
(128)Soseo-Police Station
(129)a shocking sight to see by accident
(130)In the elementary school Gangnam elementary school
(131)For the past 050 years, it’s been like this
(132)more powerful
(133)the teacher’s grave
(134)In the grave of my elementary school teacher
(135)My heart ached, so as a student, I felt really badThere’s oxygen in the grass
(136)At the grave of my school teacher
(137)a reunion that has been taking place in the meantime
(138)Fire Station Police Station
(139)And National Forensic Service
(140)Tonight at 10 o’clock
(141)One day after 20 years
(142)In the final element of school
(143)a 40-50-year head of a Dong
(144)a police station in Gumyeonseo
(145)My family is 20 years ago, teacher, mother, father passed away
(146)There’s too much of a super-confident thing in the world
(147)a 10-50-year reunion
(148)I don’t know if it’s my sister or sister. I came to see her once
(149)He said, “I’m going to bring you here”
(150)This is a 50-year-old Tokyo conference
(151)And the National Forensic Service
(152)I asked him what he’d do after he took her, and he said he’d spray her
(153)In the grave of an elementary school teacher
(154)1050 years
(155)Little 鐵 Police Station
(156)If it’s not like that, we’ll pick you up
(157)We’ve been inviting you all this time
(158)Oh, my God. In the kidney
(159)It’s been over 50 years
(160)The prize and the holy season of war
(161)The students who kept the teacher’s book strong
(162)Oh, my God. In the grave of an elementary school teacher
(163)0 to 50 years of this kind of reunion
(164)Elementary school in the world
(165)unexpected news that I’ve heard of
(166)And I got it
(167)Cheorwon County is called a burial site without bond, and there are piles embedded in it
(168)Oh my god, in the elemental environment of the square school
(169)Soseo Police Station
(170)82 National Forensic Service
(171)After seeing that, we’re here with the teacher
(172)We’re going to do it, so please do a tail
(173)Oh my god. 050
(174)the year of youth
(175)a fire department/appraisal department
(176)It’s midnight tonight
(177)I couldn’t reach your family six years ago
(178)a 50-year-long year of Tokyo
(179)The teacher’s grave was right here
(180)a 50-year reunion
(181)a self-governing police station
(182)the disciples who were in charge of the graveyard
(183)Oh, my God. I’m a new professor at this school
(184)I’m going to dress you in 4 clothes!
(185)At the grave of the elementary school teacher
(186)Since you’re a girl, what does it mean? Since you’re young, you can go somewhere
(187)I think he told me to wear nice clothes and fly around
(188)- It must have been really frustrating when you saw it, so you can pick it up on your seat and fly away as you please
(189)That’s what I said
(190)The reunion that’s been going on for 1050 years
(191)These are the things that have been decided differently over the past 50 years
(193)Iran’s 50-Year Alumni
(194)I don’t have a picture. I don’t have a picture from then
(195)For the past 50 years, the alumni association, Ulto-sung Elementary School
(196)Oh, my God, this kind of thing is happening at the math teacher’s grave for 50 years
(197)My teacher is this person
(198)Lee is
(199)On the 18th edition of the Doseong Elementary School
(200)Since I’m getting older
(201)I’m so sad that you passed away at that young age
(202)The world’s most up-to-date element
(203)Honestly, I didn’t even know how sad I was
(204)He’s so naughty
(206)If you look at them, they’re our age, so that’s kind of… But if you think about it now, it hurts even more
(208)a beautiful age in one’s 20s
(209)The reunion that will take place in 2050
(210)Why are you doing this
(212)From the teacher’s grave, the school
(213)50 years of this kind of reunion
(214)1 I transferred to 60 years old and graduated from Toseong Elementary School 22 times
(215)I think it’s “do”, so let’s do it like this
(216)Since I’m telling you to go to the teacher
(217)Oh, my God. At the school teacher’s grave
(218)Don’t you think it’s obvious? What do you think
(219)Oh, my God. At the grave of a teacher at a reunion school for 50 years
(221)Do I have to have a reason
(222)Oh, my God. In the element of Mr. Attack Pova
(223)The reunion that’s been going on for 250 years
(224)You don’t have to just do it
(225)At the grave of the teacher of Sandjak Elementary School
(226)This is a farm that’s been open for 50 years
(227)Kim Jin-gyu, I made a connection with a teacher who graduated from the 22nd class of 60 years old Do-seong Elementary School. Can you say that I don’t know
(228)This is a human connection
(229)How can we do that
(230)Oh, my God. In the grave of an elementary and middle school teacher


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