image text translation
(1)Bla bla bla 9 hours GS construction ccosjs
(2)I slept with a guy on a trip
(3)I came to the U.S. for vacation
(4)He came on a business trip and met him when he applied for a tour
(5)We had a drink together at night and went to sleep
(6)I’m leaving after spending a few days with you. I asked you for your contact number
(7)I heard that you’re dating a girl in Korea. I’m so angry
(8)When I asked if he was married, he said he wasn’t
(9)This is a case of a dog
(10)Otec Carrier Refrigerator mkqs57
(11)What do you believe in LOL
(12)Good. 85
(13)GS Construction cosjs
(14)I met him at the destination, and he was covered with beans
(16)Good. Two
(17)Hyundai ITEcnNB23
(18)”I’m going to sleep.”
(19)It sounds like it’s done naturally
(20)Good. 96
(21)Hugel iii!!!!!!!
(22)You don’t know much about sleeping with a guy you don’t know. Why are you angry
(23)Good. 98