image text translation
(1)Geunjjang is active in many Asian countries
(2)I heard that he was surprised by the relationship between a Japanese manager and a celebrity
(3)Manager Ter is
(4)I thought it was the opposite
(6)A manager in Japan leaves work right after work
(8)And in Japan, celebrities took the subway to the site
(9)There are times when I have to go
(10)Other 10KE
(11)That can’t happen in Korea
(12)My manager came to pick me up at a celebrity’s house and rode the car
(13)I went to the set
(14)After the show, for example, I have a personal appointment
(15)I’ll take him there and wait in front of the store
(16)58 water layer 1127 10
(17)When you’re done with your promise of neglect, pick him up and take him home
(18)So you’re taking care of it from home to home
(19)That’s right. We’re together for about 24 hours. Neglect
(20)That has something to do with dating
(21)That’s right. The manager knows everything and he has to protect it
(22)I’m not doing that because it’s an approximate class!
(23)That’s not it. I mean, in general
(25)The manager knows everything from her relationship
(26)I’ve never been caught
(29)Tudor Mae
(30)FRYJYY729 5만7
(31)Stay home. Watch out
(32)Yes, of course
(33)But if you have a personal appointment
(34)Manager E is
(35)If it coincides with the time you leave work, you’ll take me to the appointment, but be careful
(38)In Korea, I always eat with my manager
(39)the principle of non-acceptance 在
(40)Even after work, we’re together 24 hours a day