The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

image text translation

(1)Former Water Guard Commander Sang-wan Sang-wan
(2)26th Division and 2nd Division of Water Mechanized Division

The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

image text translation

(1)Jang Tae-wan, former commander of the Capital Security Command
(2)If only it had been approved immediately

The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

image text translation

(1)Jang Tae-wan, former commander of the Capital Security Command
(2)Rather, the rebels, four brigades in the Gyeongbok Palace area

The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

image text translation

(1)Former Capital Security Commander Abortion Wan
(2)Before additional troops are deployed

The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

image text translation

(1)Jang Tae-wan, former commander of the Capital Security Command
(2)I think it was possible to mobilize

The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

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(1)Movie Seoul’s Spring Main Trailer
(2)Jang Tae-wan, former commander of the Capital Security Command
(3)If that’s the case, it’s like four brigades

The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

image text translation

(1)Movie Seoul’s Spring Main Trailer
(2)Jang Tae-wan, former commander of the Capital Security Command
(3)With one tank and one infantry division

The rebels would have been suppressed if it had been like this during the 1212 incident

image text translation

(1)Movie Seoul’s Spring Main Trailer
(2)Jang Tae-wan, former commander of the Capital Security Command
(3)When you destroy it, you end it with a blow


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