a daughter who is upset by her mother’s dementia

a daughter who is upset by her mother's dementia

image text translation

(1)What happened today
(2)I guess my mom wanted to use a new body wash when she was taking a shower
(3)He’s obsessed with new things since he was diagnosed with dementia in the early stages
(4)I guess that’s why you took out the shower set that I got from work during Chuseok
(5)But all the containers were written in English, so my mom took anything out and squeezed it into the shower bowl
(6)But that was body lotion
(7)My mom didn’t know that, and she squeezed out a whole bottle of lotion naked in the bathroom, thinking that it didn’t bubble
(8)I came home from work and it was like that
(9)It’s a mess mixed with water and lotion on the bathroom floor. My mom said, “My lips are blue because I’m barefoot and cold.”
(10)This is weird. It doesn’t bubble
(11)I was so annoyed at that moment, asking what she was doing and asking if she didn’t even know the lotion and body wash. It was hard to work, but when she did this to me, I went crazy, so I took away the lotion bottle in my mom’s hand, put it in the trash, and washed it with my rough hands
(12)Dad and my brother came home from work and the atmosphere was weird, so I asked my mom for a day, washed up, and went into the room
(13)My mom’s still in her early days, so the whole family is making money
(14)My mom relies on me a lot as a daughter
(15)I’m not going to show your naked father or brother. He keeps telling me to go out and get my daughter
(16)I was really grateful for that, but today it was annoying
(17)Why am I the only one who is clear? Why am I the only one who has to listen to all this
(18)Come to think of it, she’s my mom. She’s sick
(19)So I’m sorry I got mad before I went to bed
(20)Why are you sorry? Why are you sorry
(21)That’s why I was angry with my mom earlier
(22)I’m so sorry
(23)She’s not my mom. She’s never mad at me
(24)I feed him and put him to sleep. My mom bothers me
(25)When I heard that, I thought I was such a mean guy
(26)When I was young, my mom changed all the poop diapers and made sure to eat
(27)He gave it to me and took care of me if I was sick
(28)I just have to do the same thing for you
(29)What’s so hard about it
(30)It’s my mom
(31)For giving birth to me and growing me up beautifully
(32)My kid was so tired and tired
(33)He said he went back to being a baby early. What’s so annoying about that
(34)I wondered if he’d be annoyed with my mom
(35)It’s getting worse, mom
(36)I’ll close my eyes and jump out with my mom. I’ll turn off the gas valve
(37)I thought about it a lot
(38)When I heard what my mom said to me, I cried a lot
(39)Mom forgets everything I’m annoyed with you. Sometimes I
(40)I’m glad that you’re talking half-heartedly about what you did well on your way
(41)Did my mother want to make me a good daughter even if she forced me to
(42)My mom still keeps away from my dad and brother, but I’m the only one looking for it
(43)That’s why he sleeps with me
(44)I’m sure my mom sleeps next to me
(45)Why do I keep getting scared
(46)If you forget about it
(47)Some of the memories are still overwhelming for me
(48)What should I do if my mom forgets about me
(49)I’ve been holding it in so far. They say it’s too hard today
(50)I’m so tired
(51)Why did you steal my mom’s memory? I hate her
(52)I’m just tired, so I’ll go with the power of anonymity
(53)From tomorrow, I’ll cheer up and make my mom smile
(54)I’m gonna have to do that
(55)Thank you for reading long comments
(56)I feel like I’m getting better


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