Korean vs Chinese debate battle

Korean vs Chinese debate battle

image text translation

(1)The relationship between China and Korea is a little complicated
(2)I’ve never seen a Chinese person who hates Korea in real life
(3)When it comes to Korea
(4)It is a country that is geographically close to China
(5)I learn Korea as a well-developed country
(6)But there’s something I really hate in China
(7)Things that call our Chinese culture Korean culture
(8)I once claimed that Confucius is Korean in Korea
(9)But everyone knows Confucius is Chinese
(10)Many people in Korea, or almost all of them
(11)I hate China
(12)It’s because of the geopolitical problems of Korea and China
(13)We can’t avoid conflict
(14)Another reason is that
(15)Because it’s very different in society
(16)Like a Chinese student said earlier
(17)Since Koreans claim Confucius as a Korean
(18)I said I don’t like Koreans
(19)But no one ever said Confucius was Korean
(20)We all know Confucius is Chinese
(21)This is where geopolitical issues spread to civic consciousness
(22)The Chinese Communist Party is ruling and there is no democracy
(23)And ignoring human rights and common sense
(24)These things will also color the thoughts of the citizens of China
(25)That’s why the conflict between the citizens, not the real one, has become a rich landscape
(27)We talked about human rights issues in China
(28)Can you explain that part
(29)I’m Chinese and I’ve lived in China for nearly 23 years
(30)I don’t think there was any human rights issue
(31)I’ve lived in the U.S. but I don’t have any
(32)It’s different. It’s different
(33)It’s because the culture is different
(34)It’s not that China doesn’t have human rights
(35)The fundamental problem is that there is no opposition in China
(36)There’s only one Communist Party
(37)That’s why human rights violations happen so easily
(38)Would you be fine if you criticized Xi Jinping publicly
(39)I’m the Guardian of The New York Times
(40)I read a lot of articles and reports
(41)A journalist who criticized Xi Jinping or the Communist Party went missing
(42)The experience of torture and incarceration at that time
(43)And there are areas where human rights violations occurSinti long velvet
(44)Of course you didn’t experience it

Korean vs Chinese debate battle

image text translation

(1)You were born in mainland China and grew up there
(2)But from the perspective of outsiders
(3)You can see that human rights violations are happening
(4)You’ve been there
(5)Don’t you believe what your government said and follow along
(6)You want to believe that
(7)I’ve been to a kidney
(8)I’ve been there
(9)I promise you it’s a beautiful place
(10)It’s well developed and people are friendly
(11)They love the Communist Party
(12)There was no word that the Communist Party was going to oppress
(13)What you know is not true
(14)You believe what America says
(15)It’s about concentration camps in Xinjiang
(16)I saw the UN report
(17)There was forced labor and torture
(18)It’s about the Communist Party lying
(19)If you assume that, I have nothing more to say
(20)Korea has to choose between China and the U.S
(21)If we pick China and put it under Chinese influence
(22)Korea will be like one of the regions
(23)The area where people are suppressed and slaughtered
(24)At least if I live in the U.S., I can criticize the U.S
(25)But if I’m living in China and criticizing a feature topic
(26)I’ll be missing without a trace
(27)The Xinjiang problem is that the problem in China is not related to Korea
(28)But you criticized it –
(29)This is contradictory and discriminates between the United States and China
(30)Sergeant thinks he’s a snob


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