Interview with women who want to work for a game company

Interview with women who want to work for a game company

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(1)You’re a woman
(2)an inquiring society
(3)I saw “Mr. A’s Twitter Hyun X” and the posts there will be a big issue I’m worried about the aftermath of working at our company “If this becomes a problem in the future, how will you take responsibility?”
(4)Illustrator A received this question from the CEO during an interview with a game developer last year The company seemed to have already looked closely at the contents of Mr. A’s Twitter account The CEO said, “There was a claim from users that an employee of our company made a comment on feminism on social media and social networking services, and then buried Femi in the game,” and added, “I asked because I was worried that there might be such a risk.”On Twitter, I only posted a retweet of a post by a women’s rights organization that A had experienced gender discrimination and felt after seeing the work from a feminist perspective. Still, my heart sank

Interview with women who want to work for a game company

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(1)To complain to the CEO about the job seeker’s situation at the interview
(2)It wasn’t easy “I will pay attention to your remarks and follow the company guidelines.” I will also clean up my Twitter account.” On the way back from the interview, Mr. A replied, “Did I openly reveal that I was a feminist and make myself known? I thought I should get rid of my social media account now, so I was greatly discouraged.” Mr. A decided not to enter the game industry again after this uncomfortable pressure interview

Interview with women who want to work for a game company

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(1)Game developer B also had an interview with a major game company in 2019
(2)I was tested by the government To Mr. B, who has worked in the industry for more than 10 years, the interviewer suddenly asked, “Are you a feminist?” To Mr. B’s question, “What kind of feminist do you think the interviewer is?” he replied, “Not most feminists are like that, but there are many people who hate men.” Mr. b replied, “Then I’m not what the interviewer calls a feminist.”

Interview with women who want to work for a game company

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(1)A woman who was embroiled in the controversy over ‘demeaning Korean men’ in 2018
(2)A case in point is the case of a male freelance game screenwriter, C, who posted a post in support of Ruster and was under heavy fire on the Namcho site. When the image of C was released on Namcho’s site, I was contacted by the head of a game company who had collaborated several times, asking me to delete the account because we could also suffer from your post “It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong in this controversy,” the CEO said. “This is war and we have to protect the rice bowl.”

Interview with women who want to work for a game company

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(1)Illustrator Mr. D said, “I am a man, Hannam.”
(2)”I was bullied online because I was photographed as a radical feminist for retweeting the word,” he said. “I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but the work that was in progress was suddenly stopped.” Mr. d said, “Since then, I have not received a request for work from the company.” He expressed his opinion on the recent controversy over the “finger in the promotional video of Nexon’s game Maple Story,” saying, “A few hours later, I heard from acquaintances at Nexon that the company was instructed to release the social media follow-up of the company.”
(3)A game illustrator with 10 years of experience also shared the position of an illustrator who had been verified by Femi’s thought on social media, but the work was cut off for three years. “There was no way because the company I worked with unilaterally cut off contact without giving me a specific reason,” said Mr. Ma He tried to hold out by changing his drawing style, but eventually left the game industry


Femi are really soft over there

Men and women must be thoroughly verified to prevent this kind of hatred

Crazy people who retweeted a word of misogyny and confidently interviewed it for being “feminine.”

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