image text translation
(1)20231213 News Desk
(2)12th local time
(3)It’s Navassera, Spain
(1)20231213 News Deskimage text translation
(2)news desk
(1)I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(2)news desk
(1)I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(1)I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(2)Tania marine biologist
(3)There should be snow or ice, and there should be more water, but it’s scary because there isn’t The green landscape may look beautiful, but it’s not the season right now
(1)I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(2)news desk
(3)12th local time
(4)Malaga, Spain
(1)MBC News Desk. I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(2)Dutch tourists
(3)I’m used to cold weather in winter, but this is not normal
(4)People around me say that it’s not normal to be this warm at this time
(1)MBC News Desk. I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(2)Dutch tourists
(3)I’m used to cold weather in winter, but this is not normal
(4)People around me say that it’s not normal to be this warm at this time
(1)I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(2)news desk
(3)Temperatures in southern Spain skyrocket to nearly 30 degrees
(1)I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(2)news desk
(3)mid-December to mid-March winter
(4)Temperatures in the southern part of the country are 8 to 18 degrees, 27 to 30 degrees
(1)I’ve never seen a winter like this beforeimage text translation
(2)news desk
(3)Ruben del Campo, spokesman for Spain’s Meteorological Department
(4)Spain is now a warmer country than before and in all seasons
(5)It became clear The same goes for the winter as well as the summer that invades spring and autumn
Seasonally, the daytime temperature is 30 degrees Celsius in winter