a police officer who was caught trying to cover up a request for attendance

a police officer who was caught trying to cover up a request for attendance

image text translation

(1)A police officer in front of the suspect’s house puts a note on the front door
(2)It’s about calling the police station
(3)I take a picture with my phone and take it off right away
(4)The police officer who didn’t even send a request for attendance was based on this photo four days later
(5)We’ve got a false report that the suspect has refused to comply with his request for attendance
(6)I got an arrest warrant
(7)The suspect was put in jail even though he didn’t avoid attending
(8)the action of joining the police
(9)The officer has even made an advance to the rank
(10)Cheongju District Court Chungju Branch 23128 Lee Sang-ryul was sentenced
(11)a six-month suspended sentence of two years in prison
(12)Creating and exercising false official documents
(13)Abuse of power and imprisonment
(14)”Criminal investigation criminal trial”
(15)The whole of NASA’s legal system
(16)an adverse effect on public trust
(17)”Further damage concerns
(18)Considering that it was difficult to contact the suspect
(19)The New Political Parties Agency and the Ministry of Government Administration
(20)Some experts have expressed disagreement
(21)a criminal lawyer. Voice alteration
(22)You become a warrant judge who doesn’t know there’s false evidence
(23)It’s like it’s been used
(24)Even if other factors were considered in the warrant issuance stage
(25)Abuse of authority whether it is reasonable for a crime of confinement to be established
(26)In December 2023, Jing6 Station will be executed for two years
(27)Even professionals are divided over whether it’s an abuse of authority or not


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