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(1)A disabled man in his 30s who was assaulted by two teenage men while eating alone in a restaurant called for strict punishment again at the final hearing of the appeals courtimage text translation
(2)According to News 1 on the 16th, the final trial of appeals against A and B19, who were charged with violating the law on punishment such as violent acts, and violating the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Act, was held on the 14th at the hearing of Kim Do-hyung, the second chief criminal judge of the Jeonju District Court
(3)On the same day, the prosecution sentenced A to 10 months in prison and demanded that B dismiss his appeal
(4)On September 6, the first trial court sentenced A to 10 months in prison, suspended for 2 years, and 1 year in prison for B
(5)Victim C 34’s father said in court that A and others never apologized or sincerely asked for forgiveness, and his son is still traumatized He appealed for severe punishment
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(1)Because of this, A suffered from blood collection on his face and shock several times during the jaw joint surgery because blood did not stop well for more than three months
(2)However, A’s lawyer asked for leniency that he made a deposit of 20 million won, saying that he continued to apologize to the victim and ask for forgiveness, but could not reach an agreement due to the stubbornness of the victim and his family B asked for leniency because he also deposited the money
(3)The appeal hearing on A and others will be held on January 18 next year
a suspended sentence for beating a person like that
It’s like an “I” law
On top of that, you know what kind of money deposit is