The Nodap Incident, which was eventually made into a movie

The Nodap Incident, which was eventually made into a movie

image text translation

(2)Mr. Son called me
(3)Just report it
(4)It’s because I don’t look like someone else
(5)Hey, you’re in Qingdao right now
(6)This lady really made a big deal

The Nodap Incident, which was eventually made into a movie

image text translation

(1)8 For Gyeonggi, housewife’s ball is Gyeongsil
(2)Kang Iksa Candy Shinsung Time
(3)Kim Sung-ja, who runs a small laundry in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, was scammed by voice phishing this year and was robbed of 32 million won by a voice phishing organization
(4)8. Kim Ki is a housewife. Gong Eun is a police officer
(5)Kim Seong-ja, a voice phishing crime reporter
(6)It was so unfair that I was lying down for almost a weekThe store was almost closed…
(7)Housewives arrested, police arrested
(8)But about a month later, I got another call to the same voice phishing scammer who lied to me
(9)He’s not trying to cheat this time
(10)He said he wanted to get out of the gang, and he offered to hand over information about his boss, the chief executive
(11)a member of the voice phishing organization
(12)He’s got us working here and threatening us
(13)I’m calling because I’m out drinking right now
(14)Gyeonggi is a housewife and police is a police officer
(15)a police force for citizens
(16)Kim rushed to report this to the police station, but the police’s response was somehow sour
(17)8 Chigi is a housewife. Gong is a police officer
(18)The police said it’s ridiculous
(19)Everyone ignored me and laughed at me
(20)8 Gyeonggi-do is Gyeongsan-kyung at Housewives’ Industrial Complex
(21)I got a call from China and the chief is coming to Korea
(22)I asked what materials I needed to come to Korea, and he laughed at me
(23)No. 1 in fatal accidents is Heart-Dolyeonsa Park National
(24)8 Kim Geo is a housewife. Gong Eun is a police officer
(25)00 Qingdao
(26)140,000 Breast Cancer Patients Increase 35 Over 4 Years
(27)The real name of the general manager and of course the details
(28)the date of entry to Korea
(29)He even told me when he was on the plane
(30)The police didn’t even respond
(31)Kim Sang is the coiled housewife
(32)Kim Sung Voice Phishing Crime Reporters
(33)I’m going to catch myself Even if I’m homeless at the airport
(34)I said I’d catch him So the police can’t catch himHe was like this…
(35)No friends or family to rely on. The OECD has the most, and the lowest ranking in Korea
(36)8. Housewives who put up with it. Police who put up with it
(37)Confirmation of key evidence directly persuaded by the reporter
(38)Mr. Kim used his fear instead of the police officer
(39)Information on the true and hidden information of the Voice Pizzling Master’s Book
(40)Even the list of address victims in Shaanxi Province, China, is not true
(41)I got all the clues and submitted them to the police
(42)The arrest is for the housewife, and the ball is for the police
(43)Obtain key evidence to convince reporters themselves
(44)The arrest is for the housewife, and the ball is for the police
(45)Kim Seong-ja Voice phishing crime reporter
(46)I was afraid of getting hurt I saw it, but I couldn’t see it, and the police kept saying that, so I was so angry about the access to the evidence
(47)It’s true that I got better
(48)End of high school senior examination, termination and extinction
(49)8 Arrested housewives. Gongeun police
(50)Police Kim finally spoons the sex offenders on the sword’s table
(51)It’s done
(52)February 2016 on the 16th
(53)General 031-371-8265 Expense 265
(54)Director of Investigation, Chief Superintendent Lee Won-soo
(55)Arrested local call center voice phishing chief!
(56)I’m going to buy a famous capital
(57)heart stone
(58)Seollal’s holiday, Seollal’s family, and Seollal’s family
(59)a cut-off 1
(60)I’ve heard that the Holy Father’s own news of the media, in the belief that it wasn’t a revelation
(61)Let’s do the secret intelligence checker
(62)I’m going to do it
(63)Gyeonggi is a housewife and police is a police officer
(64)It’s best to prevent financial fraud
(65)a criminal prosecutor
(66)Report compensation is not mentioned in the press release of up to 100 million won, so the report compensation is also omitted
(67)We have paid up to 100 million won to detect the culprits of financial companiesIf it’s recognized, the public road police can do it, but the compensation for reporting is not allowed
(69)official police officer
(70)At that time, there was only a delay when we sent the case after the Lunar New Year’s Day and when we had a Lunar New Year’s break
(71)The police say they forgot because they were busy
(72)There is no regulation that Mr. Kim will pay for the compensation, so it should start immediately
(73)lose in a heartbeat
(74)MBC’s Dongbu Police Station in Hwaseong said, “The suspect was arrested.”
(75)Mr. Kim Sung-ja
(76)He said he would give me 1 million won in compensation
(77)Kim Seong-eul-ja resigned after receiving a complaint from the National Police Agency about negligence in business and neglect of reports at the Hwaseong Eastern Police Station

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