Femi’s protest to Nexon.jpg

Femi's protest to Nexon.jpg

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(1)What do you want to say to Nexon
(2)It’s a very shameful business to give in to the controversy of deterrence for immediate gain
(3)Instead of talking about men’s hate in the forefinger, improve the design that you can’t get enough of because of the misogyny that you sell by highlighting women’s bodies!!!!!! Let’s play games comfortably!!!!Ouch!!!!! Who said I hate someone? Seriously!!!!!
(4)Respond firmly to Incel’s substantiated violence
(5)The game industry should immediately stop mass-producing innocent victims by accepting far-fetched claims against the common sense of malicious customers
(6)I know for sure that they are no different from in-cell or the game industry I also knew that their claim that companies are after profit 5 is also nonsense Thank you for always saying that you’re going to answer my “feel” that doesn’t have the logic of INCELs
(7)If you want to show off the whale whale announcement, the game is a culture, so I hope you don’t mind your mouth! Is such a female discrimination in the game culture that Nexon and other game companies and the game industry think? I hope you can show off your pride, saying that you have cut our Femi globally!
(8)As a person who hoped for the game industry and worked as an animator, it was very news that I was very tired It’s probably because it was easy to feed the staff, but would they have thrown it even if it was a male employee It’s a sad news that makes me feel so helpless The future that others dreamed of
(9)Please don’t stamp on me
(10)History will remember this moment as the end of Korean game culture in the future in favor of the haters
(11)At the moment of self-destruction
(12)This is how Nexon planted seeds in the industry in 2016 I’m not surprised that nothing has changed in seven years So put yourself on the road to ruin
(13)Nexon’s misogyny, stop immediately answering the delusions that don’t even exist, and stop ruining a person’s life with misogyny. If you were so sensitive to ideas and human rights, why did you use Ilbemungu in the official community and stay still when you sexually objectified female characters? It’s like advertising that your companies are sexist paradise
(14)By forcibly treating the hand shape that can be made on a daily basis as a hate symbol, the worker’s
(15)There should be no more livelihood threats It’s a very low-key, malicious bully I hope common sense will be established in the domestic game industry

Femi's protest to Nexon.jpg

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(1)I am concerned about the cultural status of the company where plans such as Sudden Attack 2, Women’s Commercialization, Closer, and Underage Women’s Commercialization are realized If this controversy continues, female users will take a negative view of Nexon and prevent other family members from playing Nexon games
(2)Femi are playing your game, tooGoo! Wake up
(3)Stop misogyny now!
(4)Honestly, I think they know better that the controversy is far-fetched
(5)Nexon users also have women! Kill a woman’s voice and don’t censor it!
(6)Nexon don’t give in to the witch hunt!
(7)No more abuse of feminism
(8)Please condemn Nexon’s idea verification and stop the incomprehensible behavior
(9)Is this the best? Nexon
(10)If you want to do a business that lasts for a long time, study with a social responsibility
(11)Please stop verifying your mind and respect women as equals
(12)The game industry should protect the labor rights of feminist workers
(13)It’s amazing that you’ll continue to actively lead the discrimination of race, gender, and ideology I hope you get out of this country because you realize that the same idea of social disconnection in every room is the basic idea of Nexon Company and everyone rejects the constitution of this country that prohibits discrimination
(14)36 Nexon and the game industry should immediately stop the idea verification and subcontracting of female workers
(15)Let’s play the game comfortably
(16)Please draw on the nonsense demands of the truths. Don’t you know how to say that there is no progress from 2016 to 2023? Even if you monitor it like that, it’s frustrating that you don’t know what kind of kids those guys are It’s frustrating. How much money have I spent so far? I’m not even a customer. My money is not even money
(17)If we take discrimination against female game workers for granted and have this structure, other human rights will be rolled back
(18)Nexon and Game Industry Polluting the Korean game industry with a biased attitude in an era when games are becoming part of culture, and the stigma left in an era of diversity and equality 40 When everyone shouts games are for everyone, only you say games are for feminist haters If the Korean game industry dies, it’s not because of the tongs, but because of you who suppressed the workers because of the tongs

Femi's protest to Nexon.jpg

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(1)9428 The reason why Korean games fail is because of people like you
(2)If you’re forced to accept it once, you have to continue to accept it Are you going to work again and lay off your employees whenever someone makes outrageous remarks? Then what kind of professional would want to work in this industry? If you act like this, this kind of deterrence will only get worse, and Korean professionals won’t be willing to work in this industry I think it’s a handshake that’s not profitable even if you think ethically or economically You don’t have to accept individuals who go too far as an opinion


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