A chicken restaurant that’s missing one chicken leg

A chicken restaurant that's missing one chicken leg

image text translation

(1)a piece of Jorihu’s leg
(2)I missed time when cooking again
(3)in further delay
(4)I just send it
(5)If you mark it when ordering, we’ll get 1 more
(6)I just sent it because I missed a chicken leg next time
(7)They’re going to send it. Who’s going to order it next time
(8)—–~~ Chicken
(9)Sir, 2021-11-20
(10)Try chicken only when you get a 7,000 discount
(11)I’ve been in business for a decade, but I’ve been hit by this
(12)It’s a horoscope terror, and it might not be delicious
(13)We’ll make a note of it and send it to you next time
(14)I don’t know how much I learned from someone
(15)It’s too good
(16)Give me your contact address I’ll get it to you right away


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