You can become a wizard if you’re sympathetic until you’re 30

You can become a wizard if you're sympathetic until you're 30

image text translation

(1)You know, Adachi
(2)Until now, no one
(3)I’m telling you, I’ve never been in a relationship
(4)Then it’s Adachi’s sympathy!
(5)So how old are you now
(6)· Tomorrow, I’ll be 30 years old
(7)Be a bit more of a crisis!
(8)If you feel sympathy even after you’re 30 years old
(9)I’m going to be a wizard
(10)The main character teased by his boss
(11)He will be 30 years old tomorrow
(12)I feel for you
(13)Hello, I’m in my 30s
(14)Masato Tsuge’s mother
(15)Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Take care
(16)”Happy Birthday” line
(17)From my mom and two tsugeons
(18)Even when you turn 30, you’re in your 20s
(19)The same day begins
(20)His birthday is really noisy
(21)One friend is also dalang
(22)I’m about to start my daily life
(23)Why are you so late!
(24)I wonder if he’ll get fired soon
(25)- I don’t want to go to work
(26)I’m a gift
(27)I can hear people’s voices around me
(28)No one said anything
(29)Let’s have fun in our 30s!
(30)I’m telling you, it’s been dark since this morning
(31)a co-worker who teases the main character
(32)I can hear his voice
(33)It was the sound of the heart
(34)Don’t tell me I’m 200
(35)You really became a wizard!!!
(36)a week after someone’s birthday
(37)You’re fast today
(38)It’s too bright
(39)He’s talking to the main character
(40)You joined the super insider club
(41)Boon already graduated from Sympathy. This guy was named when he was a teenager
(42)I’m sure they did
(43)I’m lucky today
(44)I can’t believe we’ve met since this morning
(45)Wow, there’s someone who likes the company, kid
(46)I can hear the voice of the motive
(47)Looks like his favorite person was in the elevator with him
(48)I’m sorry. I’m sorry
(49)Do it. – That’s
(50)Oh, I’m sorry. It’s okay
(51)Oh no! This is too close!!
(52)The next part of the motivation that comes to the main character
(53)In the morning
(54)Can I be lucky
(55)But my heart sounds
(56)You didn’t get caught by Adachi
(57)Oh my! Is it me!
(58)I think the main character is his delusionIt can’t be
(59)I’m telling you
(60)The main character who got to work late
(61)It was still there
(62)A colleague comes to help the main character out of nowhere
(63)He’s getting closer to the main character again
(64)The mole on the back of your neck is too revealing!
(65)That’s the voice of the heart
(66)I’ll go to the bathroom
(67)There’s a mole
(68)I realize that the voice of my heart is real
(69)It’s all about Lee Si-sik
(70)Is your heart real!
(71)the two men barely get back from work
(72)I’m about to go home, but I call the main character
(73)There’s still a subway
(74)I think it’s already over
(75)· It’s Jagal
(76)From here, by taxi
(77)The basic rate is enough
(78)If you don’t sleep well, it’s hard
(79)Then let’s go!!
(80)The main character who gets to sleep at the same time
(81)What’s going to happen in the future
(82)If you’re older than 30 years old, you can become a wizard


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