China Starts Women’s Enthusiasm

China Starts Women's Enthusiasm

image text translation

(1)The Hankook Ilbo
(2)Women go home and have a baby
(3)Lashi Xi Jinping’s strategy to escape from low birth
(4)Input 20231104 AM 431 Article Statement
(5)Reporter Lee Yoo-jin
(6)Attending the National Women’s Congress, Emphasizing Birth and Marriage
(7)adherence to women’s traditional and family roles
(8)I’ll solve it at the expense of women on the verge of population extinction

China Starts Women's Enthusiasm

image text translation

(1)On Chinese social media
(2)the name of AA
(3)A lot of contents are coming up
(4)AA is
(5)It means Dutch pay
(6)I don’t spend money on women anymore
(7)I’m going to split it fairly
(8)That’s what it means
(9)SNS movement, media reports
(10)TV discussion
(11)It’s a social issue
(12)HJ: A lot of guys these days
(13)I choose not to get married
(14)- These days, even if guys get together
(15)It’s about women
(16)I don’t do it at all
(17)Men don’t want women anymore
(18)I don’t think it’s necessary
(19)For women, it’s probably E
(20)I’ll starve to death without a man
(21)The worst thing about women is that
(22)I mean, I’m full of confidence
(23)It’s not like they’re men’s
(24)Even though it’s lowering the quality of life
(25)I like girls like that
(26)I don’t even want to speak for you
(27)If you don’t have a girl
(28)Do you know how free their lives are
(29)※ Chicken Soup Blurred judgment with absurd words just as delicious soup warms the body
(30)- Just like the women who are the only ones who get hit by the hard times
(31)You can see it
(32)- It’s only for women, and it’s as if they’re the only ones
(34)If a man is unemployed, most of the time
(35)Women abandon men like that
(36)- And about them
(37)I hate it because the tie is gone
(38)- manly material
(39)If you can’t satisfy your satisfaction
(40)after getting angry and divorcing
(41)I’m going to meet another man
(42)As soon as I got married, I was called my father
(43)It’s trapped in the shell
(45)I don’t know how to be satisfied
(46)She’s not even a princess
(47)She has a disease called a princess
(48)Marriage Information in Shanghai
(49)I heard that the male-female ratio is 19
(50)- A lot of women still do
(51)I’m mistaken that it’s okay because there’s a lot of men
(52)- Look at marriage these days
(53)There’s no benefit to men
(54)So many women
(55)I ask a lot of men
(56)upon divorce
(57)Half of the property is taken away
(58)These days, women
(59)He’s been brainwashed
(60)- What others do
(61)I have to do it
(62)- At some point, guys
(63)It’s become a tool for making money
(64)- Only when you give your salary
(65)I only get a few compliments

The party has come forward and started to put celebrities first

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